CM Organizer Future Feature Feedback Needed

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  • artcmomto3

    Love the collapsible version, and yes, i would print it out since I do presently take time to jot out my daily plan of subjects only.

    Doug Smith

    Thanks for the great feedback so far!

    So the consensus seems to be to have it appear on all three pages, but collapsible. And I think we would have it remember the collapsed status and stay that way until you change it. Sound right?

    A few more questions…

    1. Regarding printing, would we really need a way to print the summary by itself, or would it be good enough that it’s near the top of the page and you could just print the first page to get it? And if you want everything then you could print it all and still have the handy summary at the top.

    2. In the mockups, we have family work on a separate row. Does it work best that way or should the family work items be incorporated with each student’s row?

    3. You can currently select students or subjects in the left sidebar to limit what you see of your schedule. Does that matter for the summary grid? How useful or important would it be to limit the summary to those selections as well?

    Let me also respond to a few of the other points…

    any potential this could be a downloadable organizer that you can purchase and then download to your computer?

    We have a really old article about 5 Reasons the CM Organizer Is an Online Service that may be helpful to read. The CM Organizer depends on being online to work even more now than it did when that was written because of the newer sharing features. We also handle backing up the data for you so you don’t have to worry about losing your school records.

    I prefer it on the pages instead of on an overlay/popup box – but I could see how that might be easier for the programmer….

    It’s pretty much the same effort either way.

    Can I just say, y’all are amazing!

    Well, it’s all just a bunch of talk at this point. Wink


    I prefer the family work to be a category by itself. It would not be helpful to me to see family work under each of my students’ work assignments.


    I think the family work should be its own category.

    Ideally, if you limit the screen to 1 person, I would also limit the chart to that person – although I think I’d like to still see the family work (as that student would be doing that too…)

    So in a family of John, Donna, Stewart, and Heather, the chart would show… Family/John/Donna/Stewart/Heather.   If you clicked to only see John’s work, I’d show  Family/John



    I love this idea! I agree with the other that collapsible on the daily plan would be preferable. I also don’t like the overlay idea. As far as Doug’s latest questions… I don’t have an opinion on questions 1 or 2 but to answer question no. 3 …. yes, it would be good to select one student for the weekly view.  


    I LOVE the idea – Having it on the Daily plan is GREAT, but Collapsible is a MUST – it doesn’t push it far down the page as you have it mocked up, but for those of us with dozens of kids (LOL), every time we went to print a daily plan we’d need a reem of paper!  I like the family work separate again for the same reason – if the family work is listed on every child – the chart becomes so overwhelming.  I don’t see a need to print every child’s separately – I can just highlight the row for the proper child when printing.


    I’m excited about this possibility.  Like the collapsible version to save on printing.



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