CM Organizer app?


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  • Benita

    Maybe this already exists, not sure?  I was thinking that if there was an app for the CM organizer, then my kiddos could pull up each day’s list and I could save ink and paper by not having to print it off.  It could have a read only function or at least they could only  check off a completed assignment, but not allow them to get into the program and change resources etc… Does that make any sense?

    Jordan Smith

    Yes, that makes sense. Student accounts that can only view the assignments isn’t possible right now, but that idea is on our feature suggestions list to consider building in the future.

    You can use the CM Organizer on any web browser, including the browser on a smart phone or tablet. It’s a little difficult to use on a phone right now, but we’re about to dramatically improve that experience very soon. Stay tuned. 🙂


    Thank you Jordan. I am eager to see what that will look like. It might sway me to use it again instead of the excel spreadsheets I make up for my children each week.


    Oooh, that would be great!

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