We are beginning SCM in August! Everything is clear and confirmed except MATH! I love everything I’m reading about CM Math. However, my child is entering 7th grade; is behind in math; we are looking at Math U See, as she is dyslexic. How would I go about using the CM Mathematics ?— would I start her back at basic arithmetic with CM method and CSM books and move forward then move to MUS, or try to just jump in with CM methods where she is now (once we establish a starting point via the placement test in Math U see) and is the CM Method something I can easily incorporate into Math U See lessons? I wish SCM had math curriculum for upper elementary / middle, etc. Can’t wait to see this in future…. any suggestions appreciated. I think starting with a kindergartener would be easier!
Further to this post: I feel like I’d like to purchase and start with “The Charlotte Mason Elementary Arithmetic Series: Book 1” — however, I’m worried I might be totally off and this might be WAY too elementary for her, but again, it might not and might be a good idea to ‘go back thru the basics’… just looking for advice.
Since math is sequential you really have to start where she is, not worrying about he grade but where she is and a goal of where she wants/needs to be in the future.
We use MUS but just jumping into a level can be tricky unless you have the ground work, addition through decimals, then you could start at prealgebra. The reason jumping into MUS can be tough for levels Alpha through Zeta is that the scope and sequence of MUS is different than a lot of traditional programs. We really like it and once they finish Zeta they have a solid grounding in math to move onto Prealgebra. The upside is if the student knows addition, subtraction and division but need to start with fractions they could start in Epsilon. Or if they need worl with division start with Delta. So they can start where they are at it is just a little different.
I would suggest talking to someone with MUS directly and letting them know where your daughter is at and where she would best start if you choose MUS.
I have not use SCM math programs, but use many of their programs and really like them. They only reason I never tried it is that we started with MUS 7 years ago and it was worked so we have just kept working along. It is also not teacher intensive at all which has been a big help to me. I like math and do well, but explaining the concepts is not my gift, so the DVDs are a great help for me and my kids.