Hi there, I am just starting on my CM journey and I am looking at two different Math curriculums. I have 1 ds and he is 9. I have 2 dd that are 6 and 7. The two curriculums I am looking at are Math u See and RightStart MATH. I was wondering if any other mom’s are using either of those for that age group and what you think of the curriculum. As of right now, my kids are using Abeka and that is what I am switching from. My son is overwhelmed with the work this year for 3rd grade. I really want to do something fun with them. I love math and I would like them to enjoy it too.
We love Math U See, have used it since the beginning, and will keep on with it. We use it with five children currently, and it has been a success with all of them so far. There is a demo disc available from their website.
Just to complicate your life, some of us use MEP math (a free math program from the UK), and find it fits very well with CM’s math recommendations. It has lots of math puzzles and fun problems mixed in the lessons. My kids always beg to do math first. (we are in Year 2 and Year 1 of MEP).
Rightstart looked good to me, but was out of my budget. I haven’t looked into Math U See, but have heard good things about it too.
We use RightStart. I found it a bit weird in the beginning, but now we are halfway through it’s gotten really good. There aren’t many worksheets, its very much hands-on with manipulatives – the abacus is awesome, and then we play games as well. Right now we are playing one called Go To the Dump which is teaching the factors of 10. Ds loves it! I chose this program because of how it teaches children to learn to group numbers in order to solve problems more easily. I think it is teaching the fundamentals – and the reasoning – behind the mathematics very well. I can see with ds6 that if he only had to do worksheets I would think he knew what was what. But because he has to keep doing the problems in different applications, I can see him really having to think about what is going on. Its been a pretty amazing experience.
Another idea, since you love math (or even for those that don’t) is going textbook free while using CM’s methods for these beginning years. We switched from a CM-friendly curriculum to writing our own scope & sequence for grades 1-4 and are all fiinally very happy. The how and why I did it are in this post.
We too used ABeka for math until this year when we switched to Math-U-See. Our dd that’s working through Alpha wants to stay with MUS as well as dd working through Pre-Algebra. They both have experience with ABeka and much prefer the MUS approach. However, we’re thinking about switching ds, currently using Primer, to RightStart or Math Lessons for a Living Education as math has become a battle everyday. It makes me sad to start kindergarten this way. I need to find something to ignite his interest. He’s very bright but struggles with the pencil/paper things. Richele, I appreciate your post and blog. You’ve sparked my interest in creating my own math for ds. I’m digging out the Ruth Beechick books as I type. I’m hoping to implement more games and less writing. Thanks, Melissa