Well, tomorrow you could get up and put on some nice music. Mention at breakfast what nice music it is and tell them who it’s by. You could also put a picture up on the computer screen via the internet and mention the artist’s name to them. Later in the day you could look up a bit of a bio on the composer or you could get a book at the library. You could then read the next lesson in your son’s Bible curriculum (if there is one) and instead of filling in a worksheet, you could just have him narrate/discuss the chapter from Scripture with all of you and work on some life application. If you have a book of poetry, read one poem and ask if anyone got anything out of it.
Then you could look over the curriculum guide here (or you may want to do this now) and see where you would fit as far as what topics you are already studying. From there you could go to the library and select a couple of books for history and literature (for your older one to read alone, for you to read aloud to all, and special ones for the littles). If you do not have a book of poetry you can pick one up now, as well as a bio on an artist and/or composer (with a cd). Then you may want to just have your son orally narrate to you for the next little bit (a month or two) until he feels confident enough to start writing some of his narrations. On the way home you could stop at a park and go for a short nature walk (sans all the nature stuff since you want a quick start).
When you have time, you may want to go back to the curriculum guide for other suggestions for various subjects. You may even find that you can use quite a bit of what you already have in a cm-way. I don’t think you will want to just toss everything right now (though that can be tempting – I know!). Taking some smaller steps may help your sons not feel like they’ve been hit with a hurricane named ‘Mom’. I’m speaking from experience here! 🙂