I would like to know why there are discussion questions at the end of CM Geo as I thought that asking comprehension questions was against CM philosophy? Did she write those or have they been added since?
So I haven’t looked at it in a while — are they discussion questions or comprehension ones? The latter is really just to see what facts kids have learned and are not very CM. But discussion questions are more open ended and could be used for end of term testing or to focus narrations. That is you might say instead of just “narrate” “compare and contrast the Romans and Greeks” or some such. I think this can help kids who are hesitant but also older kids as a stage toward being able to write essays.
Do your children enjoy the CM geography books? I thought a book by Charlotte Mason herself would be engaging, but my children did not care for it. I dropped it after the first four lessons. They had learned the information previously through a biography of Columbus and using compasses in general. Just interested in your take of the book.
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