CM approach to Apologia


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  • petitemom

    There was a tread on this just recently i found really interesting.

    I am thinking to possibly use Apologia for high school (that is if I do decide to keep homeschooling for high school).

    We started General Science just recently but the tests are totally overwhelming to my son and he does not do well on them at all.

    I am curious on how you would grade the course w/out the exams.

    CherylRamirez (I wish I could tag you here)

    Do you grade the narrations? just give the credits for going through the book? how would that work?



    I give credits for going through the book.  I am not much of a grader.  I review her work and “quiz” her about the vocab, and that is as far as we go.  She has always beeen a lover of science so I know she is applying herself well to her science lesssons.  She is required to the On Your Own, narrate each chapter, perform experients, and keep a vocabulary list.  She ends each book with a thorough documentation of what she learned and that is good enough for me. 


    I just bumped a thread “@Mrs. K-don’t keep me hanging.”  I think it might be the one you’re recalling.


    yes that was the tread I was refering to.

    Thank Cheryl, I don’t know for sure that I will keep going w/Apologia, it depends if I keep homeschholing for high school but this would most likely work much better w/us.

    I’ll do that for the rest of this year…

    I do wonder though, if kids do not practice taking tests in high school if it could not be a problem in College when they have to?

    At the same time my oldest was not good w/tests when he was in public school and it doesn’t seem to improve!


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