CM and Composition


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  • missceegee


    Rachel, are you using MC? What are your results and your opinion.




    Oh good, I’m glad this is coming up.  I have the same concerns and more than for my child, who will do anything I ask her – I’m finding I am the one that needs a bit more structure than just “narrate”.

    I want to find a well laid out plan that produces great results, but without it having to be completely independent of all the other subjects we’re working on – not too teacher intensive either, but structured enough for good independent learning.  I’ll definitely be researching the above suggestions as my dd is just going on 9, but really seeing a need to write at least a little more formally – reports and such.


    This is one area I’ve done lots of research about.  Narration is not coming very easy to my oldest (and we’ve been doing it for years).  I decided to use a writing program with her.  After trying several out this year, we are both pretty happy with this one:  

    It seems to mesh well with CM methods…I can see us using many of the assigments for written history narrations!  She wrote an acrostic for one assigment and another has her writing clues about who a person is.  There are also more typical writing assiments (like paragraphs and essays).  

    I did struggle with wether or not to add it in, but I think we need to ultimately decide what is best for our families. 


    I’m curious about MC, too. Is this the program that is supposed to be like IEW in workbook format? I know someone whose 5th grader uses IEW and his dad showed a paper to someone at our very academic Christian HS and they said it was better then most their high schoolers work!

    I’m the original poster and had forgotten about this thread. We dumped Classical Writing, way too intense for us. Though may do their poetry book , which I own. We switched to Write with the Best which has been a breathe of fresh air comparatively! Very CM friendly and thorough, I think. In high school we plan to do Literature Lessons from the Lord of the Rings and Epi Kardias Essay, Research Paper, and Speech courses. We also Analytical Grammar. And in Jr Hi we use Fallacy Detective and Thinking Toolbox, and will follow with some CAP logic materials in hs. For lit analysis I’d hoped to use Any Novel Study Guide, but have not been disciplined so will likely purchase Lightening Lit for 8th. Just our plan after consulting some of you:) I always love to hear more on this subject! 🙂 Gina


    Gina, I bought Memoria Press’ Classical Composition which is the same method as CW, but looks ever so slightly less intense. I don’t think I’d use it on my own, but would consider with their online class. But, that class is $500! So, I’m looking at using either MC or Jump In. I own Write with the Best but haven’t actually used it. Sigh.


    Christie, I’ve heard good things about CC, too. I’m just gun shy about any classical writing curriculum right now:) Except Writing Tales…I wish they had more volumes! And List Tools of Writing looks good, but scares me a bit, too! May I ask shy you’re not using WwtB? Thanks, Gina


    Meant ‘Lost’ Tools:)


    WwtB – well, I’m not sure, really. I haven’t looked at it closely enough to make an honest judgement mainly because I’m a formatting snob and something about the books bug me. Embarassed


    Hey all!  Thought I’d chime in here.  I am using Character Quality Language Arts this year, and I love it.  Meaningful Composition is all the writing instruction plucked out of CQLA and put into a stand-alone composition-only package.  I think I can speak to it somewhat.  As a former high school English teacher, I think this writing instruction is excellent.  My 5th grade son’s writing had absolutely exploded!  He went from almost unable to narrate at all, writing even a few sentences being pure torture, and “I dooonnnn”’tttt KKKNNNOOOWWWW” to a confident writer who writes quite well, and weekly to boot!  He will write several short paragraphs now, easily!  He still struggles when it is writing that has to come from his own mind or experience, but that is because he struggles greatly to verbalize feelings.  His informational or persuasive writing is wonderful!  It’ a guided directed approach that is incremental, as well as providing lots of examples.  It is a great program!



    Thanks for sharing, Christie!

    Amy, thanks for sharing about CQLA. Sounds interesting and I’m going to take a peek at it:)

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