CM Anatomy For Elementary – SCM option?

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  • I was wondering if SCM had ever considered writing a book for elementary anatomy much like Jack’s Insects.  My boys are eager to learn more and a product like this would be a great help to me.  I know many homeschoolers with the same need.  Thank you for reading.

    Karen Smith

    We haven’t really considered writing an elementary anatomy book as there are many options available for teaching that already.

    When my kids were that age we got human body books from the library to read and did various activities and experiments to further study the different body systems.


    I am considering doing this program, don’t know if it helps, you might find good books on there..



    Here is a link to the Human Anatomy text suggestion from the SCM free curriculum guide. It lists the TOC. You might use this in the juvenile non-fiction section of your library to find fun books at this level.

    Classical Conversations offers flash cards that cover this topic. They are helpful if you’d like your children to memorize the parts of these systems as a sort of “outline” in their memory upon which they can build through library books. We used My Body Book last year. It was worksheet in style. The child colors various systems of the body while learning information about each. After tracing their own body on large rolls of paper, the systems ate cut out and attached in their proper places.

    I’ll admit, it’s not truly CM in style, but my kids haven’t forgotten what they learned either, which was my goal.




    @petitemom, what grade level are you planning to use the Guesthollow program with??  Thanks.


    I used the guesthollow program as a guide with a second grader. I had to substitute some of the books. I used projects from Sid the Science Kid and Home Science Tools’ Young Explorer’s newsletter.

    Lesley Letson

    We used this coloring book when we were doing 106 Days on the Human Body. We sort of took our own course 😉 but basically did one system at a time like 106 days does. We checked out a few books, watched the Magic School Bus – and I was amazed at how well my 5yos can tell you what is going on when you eat and more! Very gentle – and VERY effective. My sr. high school anatomy class was much like this. We had a text book that we didn’t much use, only for reference if we absolutely needed it. We had the Dover coloring book (the older version of the one I linked above) and colored, did some dissecting, watched some videos – and I remember a lot from that. That teacher was everyone’s favorite! She had been there for decades. 


    @my3boys I am planning to do it next year w/a 5th and 7th grader.


    @TailorMade, would you mind posting a link of the My Body Book you’re referring to? I’m searching on Amazon, and there are a few different options. I want to make sure I am looking at the right one. Thanks!


    The anatomy flash cards can be found here:

    The My Body Book:

    I’d check Homeschool Classifieds for both unless you’d welcome being contacted by a CC Director for info. on joining a campus. The My Body Book should be available elsewhere.



    This one is pretty cool – it talks about all the different anatomical functions and includes simple experiments.  I just typed it into the Bookfinder (I think to my own resources) but we added it to the 106 Days of Creation lessons.  Using it with the coloring book would be great!;


    Just wanted to warn everyone that David Macauley’s “The Way WE Work” is different from the resource mentioned above, and very sexually graphic in it’s section on the human reproductive system. It was our main recommended text for our anatomy course last year, and I had to replace it right away because of the graphic images.

    I know not everyone feels the same way about how to teach reproduction, but since the title is similar, I felt I should mention it.


    Thank you!!  I had no idea. =)  

    The name of the book I was refering to is “How the Body Works” by Steve Parker.  It has the “look inside” feature on it at Amazon or you use the link above.  

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