CM 6-volume set…do you own?

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  • Kelly Bond

    I am contemplating buying the 6-volume set of CM’s original writings. But before I do it, I am wondering if others have purchased it and if it has been useful to have. Or, does one of the companion books written nowadays suffice to teach CM?

    Thanks so much,


    Jodie Apple


    I have the 6 volume set and also these ‘modern’ versions: Charlotte Mason Education and More Charlotte Mason Education, both written by Catherine Levison and A Charlotte Mason Companion by Karen Andreola. The difference for me is the original CM writings are not quick reads (maybe because I’m a product of the Public School System! ha ). However, they are very rich. Kind of like eating a super rich dessert. I can only read a small section at a time and give my mind time to process it. But the books by C.Levison were great for me to be able to dive right in to the actual ‘how to’ of the CM method. I think K. Andreola’s companion is somewhat of a mix between the two, exploring what CM method is, the why behind it and how to implement it.



    I have to admit I used to own the originals, but never really read them. I felt I just didn’t have to time to contemplate them like I would have liked. I have read the modern versions and like them very much. While I really like CM Companion, I find C. Levinson’s books more practical and even liked quite a bit When Children Love to Learn by Elaine Cooper. That on was written for CM school teachers.


    I own the set, in the original, and read and reread it regularly. I really think all the “about CM” books are nice for short-term familiarization, but Charlotte’s actual writings are essential in the long run. They are challenging, but I reread a volume or two per year, very slowly, and get immense benefit from that. Don’t be afraid. They are challenging but not impossible.

    Michelle D

    I want to get them at my homeschool consignment store, but I too wonder if I would actually get through them. I like Michelle’s idea of only reading one a year and really “simmering” on it. I think I will buy them today and start on it. 🙂


    I don’t own them but have the Charlotte Mason Companion, also.

    I have however read a lot of the online Modern English version at ambleside online. 😀 I don’t have time to read it slowly either.


    I have them but have only read small bits. I do desire to read them in hopes of learning from them. I was a part of the cmason yahoo group before but felt that many just spoke way over my head.

    Anyone interested in doing a study on the forum here?


    I own the set and have actually read one whole volume and bits and pieces of the some of the others. They are meaty to get through and will usually only attempt to read one during the summer months. I think the other books are good (own them too & read them more often) and are helpful for a “quick jumping off point” so to speak.

    Hope this helps.

    Cindy in VA


    I would be interested in a study of CM books. 🙂


    Crystal Wagner

    caroline4kids – homeschool consignment store? That sounds so way cool. How does that work and who runs it?

    Jodie Apple

    Shanna and Tara,

    I too would participate in a study of CM’s books here at the forum.



    I would be interested in a study here as well.


    I LOVE my consignment store! 🙂 Too often I am buying and not selling though.

    I too would love a study on CM. It may help me make a real commitment.


    So how do we got about setting up a study? Any suggestions?

    Sonya Shafer

    I would be happy to set up a separate section on the SCM Forum for a study if that would help.

    As far as how it could work, here are some thoughts to get ideas flowing.

    • Pick a Volume, post a reading schedule, assign a discussion leader to get the discussion started.
    • We could set up a sub-section for each CM Volume, and you could just post comments as you read those books at random and at your own pace.
    • Pick a Volume and simply post questions or comments as you work your way through it at your own pace.
    • Fly to a central location (or a warm one, at least) and have your book discussions in person! 🙂

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