Clock work in Math

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  • Joytoread

    Does anyone have any favourite books or websites that give more help with clockwork to the minute.  My son can do the hour and half hour but when it comes to the minutes he keeps wanting to say 7 after instead of 35 minutes after.  He sees the 7 and doesn’t seem to register that it is 35 minutes.  When we do a few he understands and can get it right, but for some reason when we leave it for some time and he reverts back to his bad habit.  Has anyone else had this problem?

    Thanks Kim

    Rachel White

    Math Mammoth has a single purchase just for studying time. It helped my dd, as did her having her own clock in her room, in face form with large numbers, and just a lot of reinforcement. It’s downloadable:

    Maybe you can find some living math books at your library that deal with time?


    Sonya Shafer

    The little clock that comes from Right Start has been great for us. With its accuracy and both hours and minutes numbers displayed, it’s helped keep things clear. Their clock activities and games have been great introductory and review tools.

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