Climbing to Good English

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  • pangit

    Has anyone used or seen Climbing to Good English?

    Any thoughts?


    You can download some samples at:

    We used it for one year because it worked well with the Pathway Readers, and I have one child that loves workbooks.


    We have used it and it is good.  What is the age of the child with which you are wanting to use it?  I ask, because the Rod and Staff English 2: Preparing to Build is what we’re using now, and it is wonderful.  We do most of it orally which works wonders for my non workbook loving child.


    They will be 1st and 2nd grade


    I have to say, I was a bit overzealous with my oldest dd (now 3rd grade) and did these workbooks with her.  While I thought they were good and I still do, I think it depends on how relaxed you are with their grammer progress as to whether or not you would deem them useful or overkill.  If I had it to do all over again (which I do with my two youngers 🙂 ), I’d skip these workbooks and wait until they’re ready to start Rod and Staff English 2.  I think R & S English 2 would be perfect with a 2nd grader, provided you do most of the lessons orally (there is alot of needless writing IMO)…and with the 1st grader, I’d just just keep reading and being read to for now.

    Hope this helps!

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