Cliff Hanger Chapters

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  • csmamma

    I’d love to hear those favorite family readalouds where your kids begged you to read “just one more chapter”! You know, the books where each chapter leaves you in suspense, wanting to know what happens next and aching for more. Any title suggestions?

    God bless you & yours, Heather


    Well, it’s not exactly suspenseful, but my kids are constantly begging for one more chapter of Little House. 


    lol – my kids were just doing this last night!  Although some may think they are twaddly, my kids enjoy the Hardy Boys by Dixon.  Every chapter seems to have a cliffhanger!  Granted, they’re not the greatest literature in the world, but the vocabulary is surprisingly larger than one would expect.

    Another one my kids ask for more:  By the Great Horn Spoon by Fleischman (we were studying the Gold Rush in CA).

    My hubby really enjoys reading aloud and does it with a lot of expression, so I think that has a lot to do with it.  Read-aloud time is a big hit in our home…


    We’re reading, “A Little Princess” by Frances Hodgson Burnett.  Not a cliff hanger either but they beg for more too!  Even my four year old son won’t let me keep reading on when he has to leave the room.  He makes me wait until he can listen too!  


    We are currently reading “Five Children and It” by E. Nesbit. They can’t get enough of this one. I love it! We have only been doing CM for two years and this is the first book that my children have done this with. It’s such a good feeling. Good luck with your search.


    Oh my!  Thornton Burgess is the worst for this!!  Hahahaha.  It’s almost impossible to put it down because he does it on purpose!!  My 6yo will literally beg for the next chapter which is wonderful until it’s 11pm and you have to milk a cow the next morning!!  Laughing


    These aren’t all cliff-hangers, but have provoked the, “one more chapter, please” comment!

    • The Chronicles of Narnia
    • Little House series
    • The Hobbitt
    • Owls in the Family
    • Black Beauty
    • The Black Stallion
    • From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E.  Frankweiler
    • Homer Price
    • Anything by E.B. White
    • Sugar Creek Gang series 
    • Teddy’s Button
    • Hedge of Thorns

    I could go on, but I won’t. Smile


    My kids loved A.A. Milne’s The World of Pooh. They always wanted more.


    Thank you for all these great suggestions! Some of these we’ve read and I agree with you they were cliff hangers indeed; and others I hadn’t even heard of! This is great – you are all such a blessing! I’m off to search my library catalog now. Thanks a bunch!

    ~ Heather

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