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  • journey1000miles

    I would love to hear your suggestions for teaching children the habit of cleanliness.  Specifically, keeping our home (toys and books) picked up.  Any favorite tales, etc?  We have LDTR and LDTRFC (so helpful!) but I’d love a story specific to toys/books/etc.  🙂


    Mrs. Piggle Wiggle
    Berenstein Bear’s Messy Room
    Tidy Titch


    This one is fun (and a little math thrown in for good measure):

    But what has worked best for us, is working with the kids on a regular basis, and picking one thing to focus on for a period of time.  It might be an area of the room, like the closet, or a particular category like library books.  We also have a very specific checklist for them to follow.  Most importantly, I think it has REALLY helped to look around when the room is done and make a big deal of noticing how nice it looks, pointing out specific details done well (“look, no LEGOs in the carpet to hurt your feet at night!”), and how much room they have to play!  Nothing so motivating as enjoying a job well done!


    Check the old poetry book on the Goops.  The point is to learn how not to be one, with good habits and manners.  You can also have set tidy times throughout the day, before dinner and before bed.  Use a timer for a focused ten minute tidy.  Be a good example to them and put your things away.  Small children respond well to a clean up song.


    We love Mrs. Piggle Wiggle! 😀


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