Hi! I was looking through the the SCM curriculum list for a church history book that gave biographies of Christian leaders and martyrs through the years, but I didn’t seem to find anything. Did I miss it?
I am actually using the Ambleside booklist with my dd6 this year. They recommend Trial and Triumph by Richard Hannula, which I have looked at. My problem is that I am not personally familiar with a lot of these names and I’m not sure what would be the best way to verify the information. Does anyone have an opinion on Trial and Triumph, or is there another similar book that you would recommend??
We are reading Trial & Triumph. I have not personally verified everything in it, but have heard enough of the stories elsewhere that I trust the book. I originally started this with the younger children (11 and down) while the older ones were reading Foxe’s Book of Martyrs. Now we are all reading T&T together.
We also use Trial & Triumph and enjoy it. The year before, we read Jesus Freaks, which is also martyr stories, but much shorter and simpler. My kids loved that book and they narrated with so much detail!
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