Christmas gift advice for 6 y/o girl

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  • 3fallingleaves

    It is pathetic but I am having trouble coming up with a few good gifts for my 6 y/o daughter. We have plenty which is the problem. I am already fighting clutter. She loves art/crafts but has enough of that type of stuff I think. She occasionally mentions an American Girl doll, but I hate to spend so much if it is a whim…also I having issues with the never ending “want” that is created there (I am mixed on how I truly feel about AG dolls–I see lots to be learned & enjoyed but I feel that it feeds what society teaches–want more & more & more stuff & you will then be happy if only you get……) I don’t want a lot but I can’t help but wanting her to be happy about something & have that excitement even though she knows the real meaning of CHRISTmas…so enough rambling…any suggestions??? Thanks!!


    For my dd6, I am planning to get the new SCM handicrafts DVD on hand-sewing and the supplies to do the projects together over the course of the coming year. (She has done some simple sewing kits already and enjoyed those, so I think she is ready to tackle a ‘real’ project.) We also give a book or 2 to each child at each Christmas and birthday. That’s all that she will be getting from us. For other relatives, we have asked them not to do individual gifts for each person, but give things to the family instead and gave a list of suggestions of things we could enjoy together (games, DVDs, books, audiobooks, gift cards). Hopefully that will help to keep the over-giving down as we also don’t want to encourage a ‘gimme’ mentality. (And practically speaking we are moving overseas in January and don’t want tons of stuff to drag with us, or have to leave behind after only a couple weeks.)




    I have a girls similiar to that age. I found a entire slew of ideas through Oh my! Such neat conservative beautiful gifts. My girls love their historic paperdolls and they have amazing books for yound girls on purity, modesty and missionaries. My 7 yr old never tires of good books. They carry all of answersingenesis DVD’s on creation. Also I was opposed to AG doll store at first but not anymore. I mean, we only have the dolls, not the accessories. But they have great value and the historical dolls teach character, honesty, etc. Have you ever watched one of the DVD’s? They are so caring and kind to each other. I think they are only kids once, let them have sweet memories of saving all of their money for a book or Cd or figurine. It’s not like they have any real celebrites in our culture so I let my girls read all about them. In fact, just today my girls spent 3 hours sewing all by hand Christmas stockings for their AG dolls. How sweet! My 5 year old was sewing.

    On the other hand, my girls only get 3 presents for Christmas each. I always remind them how their grandpa, my father always got a new pair of blue jeans with a red ribbon and homemade fudge. He had 13 brothers and sisters. But what a valuable lesson to us all, right?

    I hope this helps. And I wish you a very blessed Christmas as you celebrate the birth of Christ.

    sara p.

    I know AG dolls can be expensive, but my daughter has been collecting them for a couple of years now and she has truly enjoyed them. They are something that she takes great care of knowing that someday she can give them to her daughter. I always wanted one when I was a little girl and it makes me happy that she is able to have some of her own now. I think once in awhile it is ok to get them what they really want. They are only little once and the look on Christmas morning is priceless.


    That is so true. I forgot to mention how much care my girls give them. they brush their hair, make doll clothes and take them everywhere, and they have had them for over a year. You gotta get your daughter one, she will love it! And you kind of will too:) secretly:)


    I just saw an ad for this in Family Circle and it reminded me of your post – I have four girls and I KNOW they would love this.  I checked it out and it might also just be a fun online “game” for them to play – way better than those plastic plate barbie ones you can get.

    Also – If you’d like to get your daughter a very nice quality of doll while supporting a Christian organization – check out the Vision Forum’s dolls.  They are lovely and appear to be of the same quality as AG. 


    Thanks for all of the great ideas! They all helped and have given me some new perspectives. I appreciate your taking the time to share! I also hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!!


    We don’t get our children presents, only a stocking stuffer since they get presents from their grandparents.  You got some great ideas above!  We like  They are mostly educational, or physical toys that don’t usually need batteries, and we always request gifts from there when people ask what they want. 

    Betty Dickerson

    What I try to do is to add what to what they already have. My 8yd has a wooden doll house/log cabin with wooden furrnture and Little House-looking people. I am adding a tea set for the doll house and a covered wagon. She also loves Calico Critters (which are a really cute alternative to the other toys out there), and we got her the coupe car so that all her families can go for a ride. If you already have AG dolls, look at the doll dresses at Vision Forum. They are on sale and neat!

    I usually buy each child a book as well, though I haven’t this year so far.

    Hope this helps!

    blue j

    What about dress-up items?  I have been posting a craft a day until Christmas on my FB account, and just posted both the how to make a tulle tutu (long or short) and how to make a cape – both are no-sew items.  In addition to this, you could add a short apron, a longer apron, and butcher-type apron in your choice of collors, and a couple of simple tube skirts with elastic waists.  This would be enough to allow her to dress up as Laura or Ma from LHOTP books or other favorite characters from your read alouds OR people in history, even. 🙂  Wrap the whole batch up in a Rubbermaid container, and viola!  a self-contained Christmas gift with endless possibilities.

    Merry Christmas,



    @jacqleene – could you post your links to the no-sew tutu and cape here? What a fantastic idea!



    To those who have mentioned the Vision Forum dolls/dresses, etc.  I looked at the website and it seemed like it was a mess.  If I clicked on a link to accessories it did not take me to dolls, but other random things.  The prices weren’t right next to the items so I couldn’t tell what went with which item.  It made me a little concerned to order from them.  Is there a better way to view the things they have for sale?

    jacqleene-I would be interested in the new sew tutu as well and tube skirts(are you just sewing a large rectangle of fabric together?), thanks!

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