Christian Liberty Testing Service – CAT

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  • Monica

    In our state we are required to either test or have a portfolio review.  I have always done California Achievement Test, because it is straightforward and I am able to administer it at home with the kids.

    Anyway, has anyone has ever tested using Christian Liberty Service and have you have had a good experience?  My oldest did the CAT using their online service (with immediate grading) today.  In the past, my oldest always done well.  Today’s results are unusually high, though, and I question their validity.



    I have not personally used it.  This year will be our first year to try it.  We do the Peabody but my son has pasted it all.  My best friend uses the exact one you are mentioning and has always like and had great experience.  Hope that helps a bit.  


    My 8YO son also did exceptionally well.  I find it strange because I sat with him and there was one section in particular that he really bombed.  Hmm….


    Anyone else use them?


    I have used them.  Some reasons that your son may have done exceptionally well even though you know that he “bombed” one section:

    CAT has five levels of tests, so your 4th grader will be using the same test as your 6th grader (as an example)however, your 4th grader will still be graded on a 4th grade level.  In other words, they don’t expect them to get the same number right.  Your 4th grader could skip several questions and still have a higher score than the 6th grader who took the same test.  Make sense?  


    Oh, jeaninpa, that makes so much sense!  Both my boys did very well and tested way above grade level, but I was really concerned with the content on some of the test.  My 12YO said, “I don’t know what a ‘plural inflectional morpheme’ is”.  I have a degree in English and I don’t even remember that term.  I was very worried that somehow they were expecting a 6th grader to know all those things.

    Anyway, I compared to last year’s scores and they are comparable.  The Christian Liberty test shows approximate grade level, which is something I didn’t see on the Seton CAT results, and that was the part that was so surprising.


    The testing really annoys me and the ‘plural inflectional morpheme’ is a perfect example of why.  We just don’t use that language in our language arts.  We had to google it.   I wouldn’t do it if our state didn’t require it.  My kids get really stressed.  I get really stressed.  


    Do the test results have any bearing on whether, or not you are allowed to continue homeschooling?


    No they don’t in MN!  More government at work.


    Ah!  Well, then, I’d say, just chalk it up as practice in another language.  Wink  It’s just a matter of “to do,” not to fear.


    Here in NH, we don’t have to provide proof-of-testing to anyone unless requested, so no, it doesn’t have any bearing on our homeschooling.


    In Minnesota, homeschoolers are required to take one standardized test per year.  The results are not shared with the school district nor anyone else.  It’s meant to be a tool for parents to ensure that their children are progressing.  I’ve been administering the Peabody test for 10 years and most kids tell me they think it’s fun!  It’s a nice option for parents who are looking for a test that’s actually a positive experience instead of a stressful one!

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