I wasn’t telling you or hinting that you should repost on a more appropriate thread or anything like that… I didn’t know if you had seen those other threads or followed the discussions…and I was hoping that some of the content would ease your mind about what to cover and how much and how…etc. the basics also i had talked about systematic math…and key to books…etc.
Has anyone tried the Math on the Level ?? We have been using this for the past year with my oldest DD, who is 7, and although I was super excited about the program and thought “wow, what a great fit” for us, it just seems like we’re either not getting anywhere (not in the sense that we’re in a hurry, just that we don’t seem to be moving past early, basic concepts) AND the time I need to get organized with each lesson (and come up with new ideas to teach the things that are not sinking in) has been overwhelming. SO, I’m not sure if it’s “user error” 😉 or just not a great fit for us, afterall–even though I love this living math approach. 2 other curric. I’m wondering about are the Singapore Math, supplemented with the Miquon Math. Any experience/thoughts on these would be appreciated! I am NOT a math person, although I excelled in this very subject at school. Why? Because I memorized my little tricks and did what I needed to in order to “test” well 😉 That and the fact that it was driven into me that math is THE most important subject I needed to learn. That said, I never intend to demand math perfection from my girls. Rather, I want them to fully understand the whys and hows — AND to love it. It can be so much fun, too. I want that for them. This is one of the reasons I am interested in the above curric. Thanks for any advice/experience/info you may have to share!! 🙂