Choosing a history time period- HELP?!

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    Hello All,

    I just ordered the 12 disc DVD series so we can jump into a CM approach this coming year…but I am unsure if my question will be answered by the DVD’s so I thought I would inquire here.

    My son will be in 3rd grade this year. I am utterly confused about selecting a history time period for him. If we had started with a CM approach from the very beginning we would be on the 3rd year (Matthew-Acts Ancient Rome) but, 3rd grade students in my state (CA) typically study the history of California, some US history such as basic government, as well as Native Americans of our area… I find myself being wrapped up in worry that he needs to be studying the same time period his peers in public/private school are studying based on state standards….. Should I be trying to make that happen?

    Last year we used Sonlight curriculum which goes through history in 4 year cycles so you study everything 3 times (hello tsunami of work every day). Now that we’re switching to a CM approach I just want to make sure I am starting in the right place… I have a 4 year old daughter starting “preschool” this year at home so I am trying to think ahead when she jumps into 1st grade work and my older son will be in 5th grade—how in the world am I supposed to teach them the same period?!


    Hi Erika and welcome! 🙂

    You are really free to study whatever time period you would like to! You don’t need to be covering the exact same thing that the public school covers at the exact same time. If California state history is required, you would want to cover that at some time of course. I think Beautiful Feet history has a California study built around living books.


    Alicia Hart

    If you are trying to follow CM methods, I think that the main thing is that you do history in chronological order- you can start anywhere!

    The SCM history modules are wonderful for this!

    Sonya Shafer

    Some of that decision could hinge on what time period you covered last year. If, for example, you studied Middle Ages and Renaissance last year, you could start this year with Early Modern. If you covered modern history, you could start over at the beginning with Genesis. Your choice.

    As far as your younger daughter in the mix, here are a couple of scenarios of how it might play out by teaching them together.

    Grades for Son/Daughter – time period
    3/0 – Early Modern
    4/0 – Modern Times
    5/1 – Genesis through Deuteronomy & Ancient Egypt
    6/2 – Joshua through Malachi & Ancient Greece
    7/3 – Matthew through Acts & Ancient Rome
    8/4 – Middle Ages, Renaissance, Reformation & Epistles
    9/5 – Early Modern & Epistles
    10/6 – Modern Times & Epistles, Revelation
    (Those two studies would give your son one American History credit and one world history credit that he would need in high school.)
    11/7 – Genesis (with your son participating or doing his own Government and Economics type studies independently instead)
    12/8 – Joshua (ditto)
    0/9 – Matthew
    0/10 – Middle Ages
    0/11 – Early Modern
    0/12 – Modern

    OR here’s another possibility

    3/0 – Matthew
    4/0 – Middle Ages, Ren., Ref.
    5/1 – Early Modern
    6/2 – Modern Times
    7/3 – Genesis
    8/4 – Joshua
    9/5 – Matthew
    10/6 – Middle Ages, Ren., Ref.
    11/7 – Early Modern
    12/8 – Modern
    0/9 – Matthew
    0/10 – Middle Ages, Ren., Ref.
    0/11 – Early Modern
    0/12 – Modern
    (Repeating Early Modern and Modern with the more advanced books in order to get the American history and world history into your daughter’s high school years.)

    As you can see, you can play with the concept to find a scenario that you like. Hope this helps!


    Just a brief thought from another Erika in CA – I’ve graduated two and neither have studied according to state standards (in terms of the order of study or certain study in certain grades). All has been well. Educate in freedom! Welcome!


    Hi “another Erika in CA”! Thanks so much for the reply– your statement “Educate in freedom” was so impact-full. I know the big idea of homeschooling, especially a CM method, is supposed to be freeing…but I have found myself very worried I will somehow fail my children in their education. Thanks for the reminder that our home school doesn’t have to look like the local public school–THANK GOD!


    Hello Sonya,

    Thank you so much for the detailed examples; I just could not make a decision I was confident in until I read your reply. Hooray for clarity! I feel much more sure of a path now—off I go to make our long and short term educational plan!

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