Chocodog and others: "The Checklist" from OK homeschooling Cindy Downes

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  • Tanya

    Chocodog, you mentioned owning the Checklist from Oklahoma homschooling under the Science post earlier.  It seems like a neat idea to have an ongoing list of all of the topics covered.  My question is:  is it helpful?  Is it overwhelming (“look at all the stuff we haven’t covered yet!”).  What are your thoughts on it?  I own the SCM planning book, and I like it.  The Checklist is obviously more detailed and covers all the schooling years and topics possible (which is why I’m wondering if it would be overwhelming).


    Bump 🙂





    I don’t own the Checklist (in fact, I’ve never heard of it until now) but here is a link where you can view over 100 pages of samples.  Thought that might help you decide if it’s something that would work for you or not.  


    I own the checklist, but to be quite honest, I actually found it busy work for myself and ending up throwing it out….it is languishing somewhere in my basement I think. At the end of the day I found it to be too much bother, and also I thought it would make me paranoid about the things I was not covering…I liked the concept – in reality it seemed to go against the type of teaching I wanted to do. I was trying to free myself from cumbersome curriculum and guides, and this just looked like too much. I would not buy it again. Linda


    Linda, in looking at the sample, I have to say that I agree with you. I don’t need busy work or extra burdens!




    Thank you, Linda, that is what I was wondering.  I had looked at the sample, and the idea was intriguing (nice idea to keep track of things by just doing a quick check-off as the years go by), but it seemed so big that it could also backfire…

    I appreciate the honest feedback.



    I am new to homeschooling (my son will begin K in the fall) and a couple of months ago I bought “The Checklist” to help with planning and later the SCM’s “Planning Your Charlotte Mason Education.”  I found SCM’s planning guide much more helpful.  I am a “big picture” person so starting big and breaking it down made total sense to me.  I did get overwhelmed by the 150+ pages of lists, even though i know it is impossible to cover everything that she included.  She even says this!

    That being said, I really like the Oklahoma Homeschool website and have printed many of her free resources, and I will say that I have found them very helpful.


    Sorry for not being on here. I didn’t catch it till today. I was using the Checklist lists to keep record of what I already did with my kids. I think it was a good idea to help me stay focused on what areas we already covered and what we need to cover for the future. This way it is in one area.

      I am also going to use it when I go to buy books. This way I know what areas I should work on and what I have covered and what books I already have plenty of.  I have a tendancy to like and buy particular eras and places, and people. I find myself gravitating towards those things and buying the same kind of books and subjects.

      I am not going to let this book bogue me down because I am using it as a tool to keep myself organized. I also like the “bigger” picture. I like to be able to see where I am going so I can plan accordingly. I want to know where I should touch on a subject and where I should go into depth.  I also like the Oklahoma Homeschool website. It is very informational and you can download the science and the HIstory pages for free, so, it is worth printing out and keeping track of the majority of our homeschooling. I like it all in one book.  Hope this helps. The majority of our teaching is from History anyway. So, if you just wanted to go and print it off for free you can see if it is overwhelming or helpful.  It is just one more tool in my tool belt. 🙂 



    Thank you, Chocodog, I appreciate hearing how you use it.

    -Tanya  🙂

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