China history

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  • Joytoread

    I am dong Module 4 right now and would like to add one or two chapter books on China’s history. Could those who have read any living books on China let me know of the titles you really enjoyed. My children are 10 and 8. Thanks,



    My kids liked Young Fu of the Upper Yangtze by Elizabeth Lewis, but my hubby found it slow-moving (he was reading aloud). We also liked Kubla Khan: Emperor of Everything by Kathleen Krull, and China’s Long March by Jean Fritz (names get confusing, but we eventually got the main gist of it all).


    I did a blog post on China and the resources we used here:



    Thank you for giving me some of your favourites. I will go through your list Nebby and see if I can find some of these in the library.

    I so far haven’t done much reseaarch on Ancient China. We are using Homeschool in the Woods timeline figures and I keep coming across different Chinese Dynasty’s so I would like to add some extras to my Module 4.



    Here are some resources from a thread about a year ago:  (Sarah used this)

    And Rachel posted these (her list included things for several ancient cultures):

    Books about Asia from Heritage History to browse through to determine time frames :  



    All Ages:

    The Seventy Wonders of China – Jonathan Fenby

    The Great Wall – Micheal Yamashita 

        Gr. 4-6:

    Eyewitness Books – Ancient China

    Ancient China – Judith Simpson

    Great Wall – Elizabeth Mann

    Made in China: Ideas and Inventions from Ancient China – Suzanne Williams

    The Ancient Chinese – Virginia Schomp

    Life in Ancient China – Paul Challen – ages 8-14

    China: A History to 1949 – Valjean McLenighan

    See Inside an Ancient Chinese Town – Penelope Hughes Stanton

    Ancient Chinese Art: Art in History – Jane Shuter

    Shen of the Sea: Chinese Stories for Children – Arthur Chrisman (Fairy tales and folk tales)

    The Ch’itin Purse: A Collection of Ancient Chinese Stories – Linda Fang (10 stoires from 770-221 BC) 

    Legends of the Chinese Jews of Kaifeng – Xin Xu (gr. 6+ 1100+)


    Gr. 4-6

    Illustrated History of Japan – Shigeo Nishmura

    Tales from Japan – Helen, William Mc Alpine (16 traditional legends, epics, fairy and folk tales)

    Tales of a Korean Grandmother – Frances Carpenter (32 traditional tales from Korea)

    Haiku – Patricia Donegan (how to write)

    Tea Ceremony – Shozo Sato (Japenese traditoin of sharing tea; how to do it, what it means)

    Art of Japan- Shurley Glubok (good intro. To historical periods and types of art) 

    Gr. 7-9

    A Traveller’s History of Japan – Richard Tames

    A Traveller’s History of SE Asia – J.M. Barwise 


     Gr. 4-6

    Ancient India – Virginia Schomp

    Buddha – Demi (bio**caution required)

    The Jungle Book – R. Kipling

    Just So Stories – R. Kipling

    Science of Ancient India – Melissa Stewart



    Heritage History: 

    All ages:

    Cultural Atlas for Young People: Ancient America – Marion Wood 

    Gr. 4-6


    First Book of Central America and Panama – Patricia Markum

    Incans, Aztecs and Mayans – John Holzmann (history of three civilizations from a Biblical perspective)

    First Book of the Ancient Maya – Barbera Beck

    Latin American Folktales – John Bierhorst




    Mexico – R. Conrad Stein

    History of Mexico – Amy Hunter 

        Gr. 4-6

    You Wouldn’t Want to be an Aztec Sacrifice – Fiona Macdonald (pre-columbian Mexico)

    The Ancient Aztecs – Liz Sonneborn

    Cortes of Mexico – Ronald Syme

    By Right of Conquest – G. A. Henty (Aztecs-1519-1521)

    Walk the World’s Rim – Betty Baker (1528-1537)

    Nacar the White Deer – Elizabeth de Trovino (1876)

    Horse Hooves and chicken feet: Mexican folktales – Neil Philip(12 traditional tales, Catholic heritage)

    Francis Coronado and the Seven cities of Gold – Ronald Syme (gr. 4-12)

    Conquista! – Clyde Bulla (time of Coronado)



    Gr. 4-6

    Enchantment of the World Series has a book on each country.

    First Book of the Incas – Barbera Beck

    Machu Pichu – Elizabeth Mann (story of the religious city sacred to the Incas)

    You Wouldn’t Want o be an Inca Mummy – Colin Hynson (lighthearted)

    Man Who Discovered the Amazon – Ronald Syme ( 1538-1541)

    Balboa: Swordsman and Conquistador – Felix Reisenburg

    Francisco Pizarro – Sandra Kachurek

    Treasure of the Incas – G.A. Henty (1475-1519)

    With Cochrane the Dauntless – G.A. Henty (1820)

    Out on the Pampas – G.A. Henty ( Argentina 1871 )

    Secret of the Andes – Ann Nolan Clark (Inca boy growing up)

    Life in Ancient S. America – Hazel Richardson

    The Ancient Inca – Patricia Calvert


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