Those of you who have used Children’s Music Journey did you also purchase the lesson plans? I see these are separate for homeschoolers. Or is the program itself easy to make your own planning without buying the lesson guide also. It is expensive in itself and I don’t want to buy these lesson plans unless I absolutely need them.
I woud say you do not need the lesson plans. The program is very simple. I must admit, I actually haven’t seen them, though – we purchased the program before there were any available.
Great I will skip the lessons then. My dd is just starting. She is 7. Even though she has no knowledge of piano could she start with the second one. She has done a little recorder. When I called, the online person said just start with the second. They will review nine lessons of the first one. He had asked me the ages of my children and that is what he mentioned. I just want a second opinion because you have them. Would you start with the first one or go to the second one being my dd’s age? Thanks again for your help.