My son (5 yrs old) constantly interrupts when I am talking with my mom (who lives with me) and is very attention seeking. He actually acts rather insecure which is strange because is shown tremendous love and actually given a lot of attention.
Any suggestions on this? I don’t want him to be the center of attention all the time and want him to learn the world doesn’t revolve around him. We don’t make him the center but he tries very had to be. Again, he really acts insecure as if he isn’t loved. I am not sure why because he is greatly loved and cherished.
You mentioned that he is given a lot of attention, so I would say, give him less. Children can be given too much attnetion, thereby they think they are the center of the world. Although there is such a thing as neglect, I”m not concerned with that and niether are you, I’m sure. But if my child were showing the signs you’re referring to, then I wold back off on the attnetion so he CAN develop the self-assurance and and security that comes from being by himself and knwoing that he isn’t the center. If he is used to feeling like he’s the center of your world (and by extenion, the rest of the world)m then when he doesn’t get his “drug” of attention, then yes he is going to fell insecure. So, you could say that a lot of attention CREATES an insecure child, just as neglect creats an insecure child.
I’d suggest reading John Rosemond’s materials and reduce the attention given to him; the adjustment will be tough, but better now than later.
He will begin to find ways to satisfy himself, thereby building confidence, instead of being dependent upon you or another adult. IMO, giving a child less attention – though reasonable attention that’s due a person and as circumstances requires – is one of the best things we can do for our children for them to develop resourcefulness, security adn self-confidence, not to mention imagination.
Thanks. This makes perfect sense. I dealt with many behavior issues early on and so for a long time, he was the focus of everything I did. Hope your headache goes away!
I also have a 5 year old that tends to interupt adults. I have reinforced that “when someone is talking we wait” and remind her often, also to put her hand on me so I know she would like to say something, then I can make provision for an appropriate break in the conversation. This has helped a lot! I think it is important to be sure of the reason why your child is interrupting because that would change how you address the matter. You obviously love your child very much and want the best for him. I encourage you to pray and God will help and guide you to create a secure and polite person!
My two do this when I am working with the other child and they feel left out. It drives me crazy. LOL So after trying all kinds of things, I flat out just called them both on it. I told them that I see every time I work with one child, that the other gets jealous and starts acting up to get attention or keeps interrupting us. I asked both if I was wrong and they said no, I was right. then I told them that what they were doing was rude and will not be tolerated further. Explained that the next interrupter or attention grabber would be getting a very special chore that would insure they get lots of attention. Such as….personal slave to another family member for an hour. Um, I haven’t had it happen since. LOL
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