Check out my schedule and tell me what you think!

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Educating Check out my schedule and tell me what you think!

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  • caycecronk

    Oh forgot to mention that we are using Module 1 for history and using Genesis through Denteronomy and Ancient Egypt so it does cover some bible for us. We are not doing a memory verse a this time but maybe later in the year. The kids like hearing the bible stories at bedtime!


    Yes…living in France has been an experience to say the least. Language learning as an adult is a humbling, stretching experience though! We’re getting kind of eager to be done here and move on to the next thing, but trying to take advantage of the opportunties we have here while we can. Living within a stone’s throw of 3 different boulangeries is not too bad either…;) That’s great that you have friends here though and have had opportunities to visit (and likely will again!) I’m sure that’s a great motivator to keep working on your language learning! =)

    Anyhow, I have heard of Muzzy, but I have not actually seen it. I’ve come to realize, however, that there is probably NO program out there (especially the ones targeted to young children) are going to be completely CM. I would say to use whatever you have – provided you and your kids ENJOY it and find it doable to integrate into your lives so that you are getting regular exposure to the language – and not worry too terribly much what CM would think about it. I’ve looked at a lot of the FL programs out there for young children and have drawn the conclusions:

    – There is no perfect ‘program’ that is going to teach you or your child to be fluent in six easy steps.

    – It is more important to maintain your enjoyment and enthusiasm for language learning – if you enjoy it and want to learn it, you’ll find ways to do so.

    – Activities that involve interaction between people are the most effective (not to say that computers and videos don’t have their place…but they can’t be used in a vaccuum).

    HTH some!

    BTW – there are lots of French cartoons on YouTube. My kids’ favorite is “Tracteur Tom”. And if you don’t have access to French books to read together (maybe your friends in France or Belgium could send you some?), we had a subscription to these story books for awhile think you can download them as apps if you have an Ipad too?). We liked them, but because we can get piles of French books from the library I cancelled my subscription for now. But I would use them again if we had limited access to French books. And this site has tons of ideas for learning languages together as a family…a lot my ideas for supplementary activities have been gleaned from here. Have fun!



    I don’t know why but i’ve always have had a heart for Europe. Although it is not a very christian place to live I find myself fitting in well when im there. Hopefully we will get to visit ouf friends in the next few years. THANKS so much for providing that information and links. I will ask our friend in Belgium if he can look around for those books, etc and send us some….he has done that before and I love youtube because it is FREE!LOL! How long have you been in France and when are you leaving? I agree about having someone who can speak french to you is best…we may arrange for our friends in Belgium to call and speak with my son by phone regularly. Whatever we do we try to make it fun….which is our school motto here!




    Also about the Apps I am hoping to get an I pad for christmas so we can download many activities to do in the car, etc! All learning ones of course!


    No worries, glad I could help. Sometimes I still feel like we’re trying to figure things out as we go along with the whole language learning thing, but maybe that’s part of the process? At any rate, my kids are all fascinated by learning French so I figure we can’t be too far off base since they are so enthusiastic about it. =)

    We’ve been here since January and hope to leave for our assignment in Africa next January, so we will have been here for a year by the time we leave. We’ve enjoyed it, and have in general found the French to be much kinder than stereotypes give them credit for, at least in the town where we are living. =)




    I don’t think there’s any right or wrong way to do poetry (unless you’re not doing it at all, lol), but we have just decided to read about 5 minutes or less of a children’s poetry book/day.  I don’t think it matters if it’s one poet, one poem at a time, or a collection of poems.  Right now we are reading Now we are 6 and When we were very young by A.A. Milne.  After that we plan to read through A Child’s Garden of Verses by RL Stevenson.  The poem ds is memorizing right now is “Who Has Seen the Wind?” by Rosetti (I started with a simple one since its his 1st poem memorization), but will likely have him pick a favorite from the Milne book to memorize next.  So while he is only working on one at a time to memorize, I am leisurely reading him several different poems/week without requiring feedback.

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