Hi all! I wanted to post this just in case there is a family in the Charlotte, NC area that wants to get connected at the local level. – Callie
We’re starting the CMeLEARN (Charlotte Mason eLEARN) Elementary meetings starting next Tuesday, September 13th @ 7:00PM. (Check out YahooGroups to join our virtual community – search CMeLEARN.) We’re looking forward to a year full of learning, sharing and supporting one another in our homeschooling journeys. We are studying “When Children Love To Learn” General Editor: Elaine Cooper and plan to have a few special speakers throughout the year.
We will be meeting on Tuesday evenings once a month. Our scheduled meeting dates are: Sept 13th, October 11th, November 15th, January 17th, February 21st, March 13th and April 10th. We meet at Tracy Alexander’s house near the heart of Matthews, NC at 7:00PM. Please let me know if you need the address.
Whether you have toddlers at home and are hoping to explore what homeschooling can look like or you’re in the thick of teaching your older children, there is something for everyone. Anyone interested in learning more about Charlotte Mason’s philosophy is welcome to join!
For our first meeting on September 13th we plan to discuss Chapter 1 of “When Children Love To Learn”, The Value of Charlotte Mason’s Work For Today.
Please mark your calendar and join us!
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