Why do resources that I schedule keep disappearing? I put in the type of resource as well as the dates and fill out everything but I have stuff that keeps disappearing. Why is that?
I had this trouble once, and I have reported it. I was missing filling in something on the scheduling part…. but I can’t off the top of my head remember which…. the Start Date perhaps?
Is this happening with every resource you try to schedule, or just certain ones?
Another thing to check is if you’ve put a start date past today. Resources with a start date in the future won’t show in your Daily Plan until that date. You should see them in the list of resources in the Scheduler, though.
Okay, I checked your account. Do the resources show up on your Daily Plan when you first add them? I couldn’t find the Bible reading resource, but I noticed that the Taekwondo one has no divisions. Once you mark it as finished, the Organizer removes the resource from your schedule because it’s done. If this is what’s happening, you’ll need to mark the resource as worked on to keep it on your schedule.