I just wanted to say THANKS to whoever is responsible for modern paraphrasing the Charlotte Mason Volumes. I am new to the CM idea and I have found SO many things to impliment not only in our school but also in our family life. Which in all actuality is one in the same.. These books have made me see that. I am thoroughly enjoying them and have to make myself walk away from the computer or nothing else will get done 😉 Thank you again,
I love them too. I have written all over the volumes I have. That is probably one of the best things about CM, it isn’t all about education, but for life and family living. It really is the whole person.
Oh I should also ask…which one of the CM companion books would you guys recommend?
I saw a post where several were mentioned but I can’t find that post again. I want to do some more reading for inspiration and ideas for this upcoming “new year”..we actually school year round ..but in my mind it is a new year. Thanks.
Shelly, I like A Charlotte Mason Companion and so far Pocketful of Pinecones both by Karen Andreola. And Ambleside Online is where you find the CM volumes.
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