Hi All. I am wondering if there are many of you out there (with older children) who have used only the Charlotte Mason method all the way through high school? If so, how did it prepare your children for life after high school? Did they go on to college? If so, did the CM method prepare them for the work load in college? Please let me know. Thanks so much!
My oldest son is finishing up his engineering degree. He was CM educated throughout and has done very well. His two biggest challenges were putting up with the worthless assignments that teachers tend to give in a traditional setting (and reading the horrible lifeless books) and having a syllabus handed out on the first day of class and being left on his own. He quickly adjusted but it was a bit of a culture shock.
He was always the math-science guy but always had comments from his professors about his ability to write. I give the credit to the living books.
My oldest is at the end of his 11th grade year and all has gone very well. Other than wishing we had another lifetime to read more books, I don’t regret anything we’ve done. I’ve had some health problems that slowed the pace but otherwise it’s been a great experience?
My son was homeschooled with CM methods from 3rd-12th grade. He decided to go straight into the work force and wasn’t interested in college. He was able to get a well paying job and is already making enough to live on his own and support a family at the age of 20. He has chosen to live at home and hold off on having his own family until he can buy a house so he is in the process of saving for a good down payment. He’s more than half way there and we are so proud of him!
My daughter will be in 9th grade next year and she has been homeschooled ala CM from day 1. She will probably be college bound and we are planning on her taking some dual enrollment classes and CLEP tests during high school, Lord willing.
The Ambleside online forums have several threads like this one and it’s so nice to see how CM graduates have gone on to live good, productive lives.
A former poster on this forum (Bookworm) graduated 2 sons who went on to college and did very well after being CM educated. If you read threads in the highschool category you will find many of her posts. She is a wealth of information. I wish she were still posting here.
So far, my oldest two plan to go to college, even if it’s at the Junior college level. My oldest is already working a small part-time job and has been given a nice letter for his work performance to put in his portfolio. He is fully capable of holding down a job, managing his time and pretty much taking care of himself (to a degree, of course;)
My daughter was homeschool CM through high school, though did end up going to community college her junior year (1 class) and senior year (exclusively). She has told me she felt very prepared for the community college setting and was very happy she home school high school. She went on to a 4 year college of her choice in a very touch college to get accepted to. She is in the honors program in the Liberal Arts department at the college. She has done very well, though being a first born child she has the personality of over achieving, I think.
My second child has had some challenges, but has also done CM. She will be fine and will most likely do community college after graduation.
I have two more to go, boys that will be entering high school next year. I believe the CM way of schooling works!