Charlotte Mason Co-Op in Central VA

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Moms’ Porch Let’s Chat Charlotte Mason Co-Op in Central VA


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  • billandmegan

    Hello, I am moving to the Charlottesville area of Virginia and looking to find a new co-op. However, there doesn’t seem to be one that has a CM model. Does anyone know of such a co-op in Fluvanna or Alblemarle County? And, if not, is there anyone one who might consider helping me to start one?
    I think it would be beneficial and fun to spend one day a week with other kids doing Music Study (possibly including Hymn, Composer, and music instruction), Picture Study, Poetry, Handicrafts, and Nature Study.
    We’ll be living on a small hobby farm in Palmyra, which will lend itself beautifully to nature study and handicrafts/lifeskills. We’ll have a workshop for building projects, and the kids can help in the garden or gain first-hand experience in caring for animals, and even bring home some crops of their own! And there are 4 1/2 acres on which to spread out and study nature.

    If you know of anyone who would be interested, please forward this link to them. Thank you!


    Check out for groups in various areas and resources to help you start a group.  My own CM group,, is in FL so that’s no help in VA. Your locale sounds so lovely! I would love to have that kind of space for our group

    Best wishes.


    Hi BillandMegan!

    I live in Virginia near you!  I received the email you sent throungh CACHE a few weeks ago.  It has been on my list Every.Single.Day. to email you back.  Even my kids have asked me if I have contacted you yet!  Sorry, I haven’t yet, but I will.  Welcome to the area! 🙂


    Hi!  I’m in Rockingham Co., Va, probably about an hour north west from you.  I wish we were closer!  I too am looking for other cm families who might be interested in getting together.  We live on a 450 acre farm, and have lots of opportunity for nature study, gardening, handi crafts, etc.  I wish you well in your endeavors to start a group!


    VA is so beautiful. I thoroughly enjoyed the CMI conference at Ferrum College two years ago. It is a lovely campus. I must confess my envy of those lovely landscapes.


    I actually received an e-mail (through a local Christian homeschool loop) from ANOTHER homeschool mom who’s moving to the Charlottesville area and looking for a CM co-op.  I wrongly assumed it was you, billandmegan!  How old are your kids?

    Wow – – two new CM families moving into this small area?  How exciting!  And to think I might find encouragement/fellowship regarding our homeschool journey from real live people!  In the meantime, I’ll keep right on thanking God for SCM and the community here!



    Hi Tulip,
    We Have officially moved in!
    I’d love to get together soon. You can email me privately at megharris218[at]gmail[dot]com.
    My kids are 9,7,5, and 3.
    How old are yours?


    Hi Apbeery!

    I am looking for some CM families as well and we live right outside of Rockingham County in Augusta County! Please let me know if there is a CM group locally or you would like to get together. Thanks!



    We have just starting up a CM mother’s group in the valley.  We are spread over a few counties but meet in Harrisonburg once a month at this point. If anyone is interested in joining us, please contact me at cyndirodgers[at]yahoo[dot]com

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