Charlotte Mason as part of a co-op?

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  • tandc93

    We joined a co-op this year.  It’s not a CM co-op.  I didn’t teach this session because we joined late.  I’d like to teach something next session and I would love it to have a CM style to it as many of my friends are still tied to workbooks.  I thought of maybe doing an artist or composer study, of course finding an artist/composer that most parents are ok with may be a problem…    I’d LOVE to do a nature study one, but there’s no nature near where it’s held (downtown).  Any other ideas or suggestions??

    The co-op is about 10 weeks long.  I’ve NEVER done something like this and am a bit nervous.  

    Sara B.

    Our co-op does CM methods for artist study, composer study, and nature study.  For an artist, what about someone like Picasso or Monet or someone who didn’t do “controversial” pictures?  For composer, there is Bach, Vivaldi, Beethoven…  Bach’s background is very mild – Christian, family guy – we just read that book, and the kids would hardly let me put it down.  🙂  I haven’t read the other ones yet.  My kids are still very little.  For nature study, in the winter anyway (we just joined), they will bring in things for the kids to draw/paint.  One week they did fruit (apples, oranges, bananas), and this last week they brought in rocks with fossils in them.  Snail or seashells would be fun to do, as well.  Or bring in some leaves when it gets warmer, or flowers.


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