Charlotte Mason and Greek/Hebrew

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  • Angie

    Could anyone tell me if you teach Greek/Hebrew with the Charlotte Mason method? I am new to this. My friend teaches Greek/Hebrew to her children but does the Classical Method. I had seen on some sites that Charlotte Mason is similar to Classical. Is this true? Thanks for the help.

    Rachel White

    We teach Hebrew, being a Messianic Jewish family. My son is in his 3rd book and my dd in her second.

    I don’t know what you mean by teaching it using a Classical or CM method. We chose our Hebrew curriculum and have been very pleased with it. You can teach many things in a CM way; using living books and/or short lessons, narration, oral and written, according to age level. I plan on teaching Latin next, beginning in about 2 yrs. for my son another one for my DD. Then after that Greek.

    I would venture to say that the mere teaching of Latin and/or Greek falls into the classical mode. However, you can blend CM methods with the Classical curriculum.

    Does that make sense?



    Thank you, Rachel. That does make sense. I am new to this. When would you start teaching these? As an elective later? My sons are 8 and 10 years old. I would love to teach them Hebrew. What curriculum did you choose? Thanks for all your help. I sometimes feel overwhelmed. I have found this site to be VERY helpful, though.

    Rachel White

    Oh, start them now! My dd is 7 and my son is 8. They both started 2 yrs. ago. We use Behrman House. My son is starting to put words to gether.

    Your 8 yr. old could definitely start with Shalom Alef Bet;Pre-primer

    They are very colorful and incremental.

    Now I know there is a difference between Biblical Hebrew and Modern Hebrew, so I don’t know exactly how that works, yet.

    I don’t know about your 10 yr. old. YOu can call the customer service and ask about your 10 yr. old. Then after the book after this pre-primer, they’re are options to learn only modern hebrew (Shalom Ivrit), modern with prayers (Shalom Ivrit + prayer companion) or Prayer series (Hineni)only.

    We are going to do modern + prayer companion, but of course we attend synagogue and live a Messianic Jewish lifestyle; if ya’ll don’t do either of those I don’t think you’ll need prayer companions. Don’t hesitate to ask around about other programs, however. I have a friend teaching her daughter, they’re learning together which is where you and your ten yr. old may be at; I can ask her what they use if you like? I have another friend learning at their Synagogue, so I can ask her, too what they are using.

    I’d also suggest you learn Hebrew yourself. First Fruits of Zion has a new one. We use their Torah study resources for the children and are pleased. They also have a dual-language Bible! That’s on our wish list! 😀

    There aren’t as many Hebrew books in America. I found an Israeli book store in NY that supplies Israel with many of their books. As my children get more proficient, I will get them some. Of course the best living book in Hebrew is the Tanakh plus Matthew(Mattiyahu)! I should note here that there are scholars who think that Matthew may have been written in Hebrew! Cool, huh?



    Oh this is so great. I am also thinking about teaching my children Latin, Greek and Hebrew…I am not expecting them to know all three fluently. I would like to learn all three myself. I will probably start with Latin first since the alphabet is so similar to ours and then Greek and then Hebrew. Rachel what curriculum are you planning to use for Latin..or have you thought that far ahead yet?

    I will also look at those resources you mentioned about Hebrew..who knows maybe we will start Hebrew sooner then I expected. Thanks for the Info. 🙂


    Rachel White


    I actually have thought about the Latin. I’ve looked at the Prima Latina or Latin with Children. I haven’t decided fully yet. Problem with Latin for Children is it isn’t recommended till age 10, whereas Prima Latina is a K-3 program.


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