Charlotte Mason & Self-Teaching Method

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  • csmamma

    I was conversing with some other homeschool moms over the weekend and they were discussing the Self-Teaching Method.

    A couple of them were referring to whats called “The Robinson Curriculum” and use it in their homeschool. They proceeded to tell me that it is infact very CM based with living books, etc. However, there is very little parental involvement and mostly student directed.

    I was wondering #1 if any of you have any experience with this, #2 if you feel it is a good method and # 3 did Charlotte have any thing to say about self-teaching?

    Thanks for your input.



    Sonya Shafer

    I don’t have first-hand experience with Robinson, but from what I have read about it, it seems to use many good books. That seems to be the main connection between it and CM.

    Charlotte did encourage “self-educating” from the standpoint that the child must purposely read for instruction, must not depend on the teacher to spoon-feed him. However, her methods do still rely on a teacher to guide, hear narrations, point out ideas, etc. In fact, her approach was summarized by “education by books and things.” The “things” part (handicrafts, art, nature study items, science experiments) seem to work better with a teacher involved.

    I’m not sure whether Robinson includes aspects like picture study, music study, handicrafts, or uses Charlotte’s methods of prepared dictation for spelling or written narration for composition, or adheres to her philosophy of delaying English grammar until the child is ten. I’d be curious to hear from others who might have had more experience.

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