Characters Displaying “Meekness”

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    Meekness is one of the nine fruit of the Spirit, Galatians 5:22-23.  We are trying to gain a better understanding of meekness and what it looks like lived out.  We have looked at the definition in 1828 Webster’s Dictionary.   There seems to be a lot of different ways to describe meekness.  Our family describes it as being gentle, overlooking offenses, humble, and submissive.  Can you add anything to this to help us understand better?  I am looking for characters that display meekness well, either in books as fiction or nonfiction (even a picture book), tv show or movies.  I know that ultimately, Jesus is our role model.  We have looked at Scriptures about meekness, too.  Anyone listen to Adventures in Odyssey?  Isn’t Mr. Whittaker at Whit’s End meek?  We have the earlier episodes we sometimes listen to.  I would love to see a female character displaying meekness, too.  Does this come with Spiritual maturity?


    I have heard meekness with regard to Jesus as “power and authority in control.” What a very different gospel if our Lord had not been in control of His power and authority.  Maybe biographies about great leaders like Roosevelt or King David. David did not always exercise his kingly authority for retribution. I think you could find some stories of people who behaved meekly in particular circumstances. If I were looking for a book I would look for a story where someone had the power and authority to judge, but showed mercy and forgiveness instead.

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