Quite a while back I stumbled upon these forms on a CM website and modified them slightly for our use. I’m fairly certain they are from Lindafay’s blog – Higher Up and Further In, though it’s been such a long time, I can’t be 100% sure.
The Character Report, my dd and I use together. She fills in her responses and I mine and it helps give me direction for where to go from there and what I need to work on regarding her character. I try to make daily or weekly notes throughout the term so I’m not relying on my faulty memory.
The Progress Report is for my use only. I like to keep a record of how we are doing, just in case it’s ever needed. I don’t share this w/ dd, Again, it helps me to see where I might need to change something I’m doing to help her along.
I share these here in case they might be helpful to any of you wonderful moms who’ve shared so much wisdom and experience w/ me through this forum. 🙂