Character & Bible Together

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  • Misty

    Next year I would like to combine our character study with our bible verse.  I have a list of many traits and a scripture refernece that we’ll use along side them.  But I was wondering if anyone knows of books that I can get at the library or ONE books that would be helpful for this.

    My list has traits like: Attentive, committed, compassionate, confident, creative, diligent, fair, faithful, honest, humble, etc.  This list is long and very good it has the trait, definition and scripture reference. 

    But I’d like to add to it with a small book that uses this character.  Maybe pick one a month.  Any thoughts or suggestions would be great.  Again I’d like to stress that I can’t buy a lot of books so I would like an all inclusive, or ones I could get from the library.  Thansk


    Character Building for families:

    or For Instrucation in Righteousness

    might work.

    Look through the samples though.  I can post more later if you’re interested.


    House – have you used both of these?  If so which one would you suggestion for ages 9, 11 & 12?  It looks like from the sample of doorposts that it is mostly bible verses or refernces?  Is that correct.  Can you tell me more?  Thanks


    Hi Misty,

    You are right – both of them are strictly bible based.  They include scripture verses about the trait – what God says about it, rewards for obedience, consequences of disobedience, and usually biblical examples of people who illustrated those traits, and sometimes those who didn’t and how that ended up for them.

    Character Building is best for elementary ages, Instruction in Righteousness can be used for anyone, but I get our twelve year old to use it independently.  I think for younger kids, you would need to work with them on it.

    None of those really have “stories”, except for the ones right out of the bible. We usually use a lot of biographies for the older kids (9-12).  I like the Christian Heroes Then and Now, among others, but that would require a lot of books – perhaps your library carries some of them?

    Hero Tales by Dave and Neta Jackson have short stories that do a great job of illustrating a certain characteristic, but they’re only a few pages long. There is a sample chapter here:

    We really like them, and they might be more what you’re looking for.



    Are the Christian Heros then and now – is that the name of the book or a series?  What would i look for at the library.  I looked at the link of Hero Tales and will look into those also.  This is great resources thanks Gaeleen


    Christian Heroes Then and Now is a series.  There is a link to a list of titles at the bottom of the page under “Extras” here:



    Thanks that also made me remember I have a site called Character Journal I can use!  Awesome!


    Hi Misty,

    Love your new avatar! Precious baby!

    I don’t know if you read the other thread about character, but I highly recommend The Original 21 Rules of This House by Gregg and Joshua Harris. We have been using that resource this year, and all of us have really enjoyed it. I wish I would have planned to use a corresponding verse with each rule, but I had already planned our Scripture memorization when I found this resource. I do plan on us repeating this book for reinforcement, so I’ll definitely be using verses then.

    Here are a few examples:

    Rule 2: We love, honor, and pray for one another. Corresponding verse: 1 Cor. 13:4-8, 1 Pet. 4:8

    Rule 8: When someone is sorry, we forgive him. Corresponding verse: Eph. 4:32

    Rule 12: When we have work to do, we do it without complaining. Corresponding verse: Phil. 2:14

    Hope this helps,





    You could also try Focus on the Family’s Kids of Integrity.  There are 16 Character Traits and with scripture memory verses, lots of supporting Bible stories, sample prayers with bible references for praying scripture for both parents and children, activities, games and object lessons for kids up to about age 10 all free on their website. I will be using this for my Character-Bible Study for my sons age 7 & 10. You could use the sample prayers or Bible verses for copy work.

    Michele Barmore

    You could also go to Grace & Truth Books

    They have quite a selection, ex– A Hive ofBusy Bees,

    Another Hive of Busy Bees, Thinking of other Series, ect.

    I have used these with all ages– even teens.

    Everyone discusses it and applies it to their

    own life.


    Your 9 year old could read Storytime with the Millers.  There is a Bible verse and a story with a related character lesson.  It is an easier book to read.  The other Miller books may interest your older children.  I have not read them yet.  I don’t know that the library has it, but they are inexpensive.  They are on E-bay sometimes and Rainbow Resource carries them.

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