celiac, GF cooking info

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  • My friend is coming to visit for the weekend. She has celiac.  Some of what she can’t eat we don’t eat either.  Eating mostly vegan we don’t do milk etc.  My main issue is the gluten free part.  There is a great GF pasta that I am going to make so that is one night anyway.  Should I just buy a loaf of GF bread and call it good for the rest of the time?

    I want her to be able to eat what we are eating and not worry about it.  Any help would be great. Thanks!


    no wheat, rye, barley or any derivative thereof and no oats unless certified GF

    beans are ok for only some celiacs…I can’t have them.

    celiac and vegan is kind of a nightmare…but pasta dishes would be good

    depends on if she can have beans.

    watch the thickeners..use corn starch, tapioca, rice flour, etc.

    tinkyada pasta is the best …follow the directions on the bag and the consistency is great!

    breads are hard to find that will stay together…but she’ll need some especially if no meat and eggs…we don’t do dairy either.

    food for life i think is the name of a bread to find in the frozen health food section…the brown rice one will stay together and is edible when toasted!

    watch out for hidden things like texturized vegetable protein(TVP), hydrolyzed vegetable protein (HTP), monosodium glutenate (MSG), all kinds of different names, …keep it simple

    if you don’t recognize the ingredient –ie plain english…don’t use it.

    GF pasta dishes ok

    Potato dishes ok…with dairy sub—but watch those vegan subs…they can contain gluten

     any rice (not in a box) and beans if tolerates beans

    corn tortillas (ck ingredients carefully) with GF filling of veggies, beans?

    whole family been gf and dairy free since 2002.  but w/o beans we’d die off if we didn’t eat meat!!

    Have fun…

    just remember if you don’t HAVE to add it …DON’T!  simple ingredients with herbs onions garlic and veggies for flavor

    hope this helps!


    Hello Hauser family,

    I have Celiac and have been gluten free for over 10 yrs. I would have to agree with most of what Jo posted earlier although I don’t particularly like Tinkyada pasta (just my personal taste). I prefer Quinoa (pronounced keen-wah) pasta or Schar pasta (but again, that is just my personal preference). As Jo posted, simple ingredients are the best (think “make it yourself” salads with lots of veggie options in separate bowls, baked potato “bar” with lots of veggie options, etc).

    Is there a health food-type store (Whole Foods, Henry’s, Boney’s, Fresh and Easy, etc) nearby that you could take your friend to and get some foods that she feels safe with? That way she won’t feel like she is imposing on you to make a special meal just for her and she can even help with the decision making.

    As far as bread, I prefer Udi’s for the taste and texture. If you have a Costco, some stores now carry a GF multigrain bread called Rudi’s and it is found in the freezer section. Some Costco stores also carry GF pasta (although I haven’t tried the pasta I have heard good reviews of it).

    How nice of you to be concerned for your friend and her diet. I am sure she will appreciate your gestures and I hope that you have a wonderful weekend together!



    Thanks that helped a lot.  I cook very simply anyway.  We eat a lot of beans though..since we don’t eat meat often and we eat a lot of fruit and veg.  I will ask about the beans, I didn’t even think about it.

    She offered to go to the store and get food for her, but I don’t want her to have to do that!

    A brand of pasta made with quinoa is the one I will get.  We have had it before and love it.  It is just a little pricey to get over the whole grain wheat.  They sell the Rudi’s at the commissary on base so I will get that.

    We have a very tiney health food store that doesn’t even carry all our vegan foods…UH!  We don’t have a Costco…we live in a pretty small town.

    Thanks I will ask about the beans and make a menu!


    you are a kind friend. our friends have been so kind since we went GF almost 2 years ago. udi’s is our bread of choice if i do not have time to make bread. rudi’s is quite good too. before we were gf and our gf friends came to visit, i always asked what foods i could buy for them so they could snack or eat a meal as they wished. 

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