CC Timeline?

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  • Cindy

    Hi there,

    I’m in my first year of CM and struggling over finding a history that fits us. I love the idea of a timeline “leading” our history curriculum and plugging in living books and the Bible to line up with the dates. Any recommendations? Does anyone use Classical Conversations’ timeline cards? Any thoughts on having a timeline lead your history curriculum?



    Hi Cindy,

    In our homeschool, we just use a history spine and I fill that in with living books and documentaries.  That said, we did join a CC-like co-op three years ago and here are a few more things we do:

    -we have a weekly history memory sentence.  This week it is about the Monroe Doctrine.  I don’t necessarily try to fit our history to each specific memory verse, but when we reach the Monroe Doctrine in our history the kids will make the connection (esp. my 13YO and my 9YO).

    -our co-op also has a history timeline, which we do use in our homeschool.  My two older kids have already memorized the timeline beginning to end.  I like it because it allows them to have a general understanding of when something happened, and that, for example, the American Revolution was before the French Revolution.  Later on, as we study each time period in more detail, they’ll learn the connections between the two, etc.

    So, I’ve found that the history work in our co-op greatly enhances our history at home.


    Jawgee; I love the idea of a history sentence for  memory work!

    Cindy; this probably doesn’t help you much but I have poster boards that I made up on my own that I use for our timeline. One century per board with 100 square per board. Then as we read from our living books (following the SCM history guides) we either draw in a picture of what happened or I have taken discarded school history texts books and cut out the pictures of people and things from the pages and then paste them on our board as well. (But this is me being frugal and if I could I wold have bought a timeline).


    Our co-op does a history or science sentence and uses a timeline song. At home, we just follow our spine, but the time line song serves as lots of little bits of information that they are familiar with when we learn about it in history.


    For those of you not using CC’s timeline, what song are you using?


    We use the CC timeline song, but doesn’t Veritas have one, too?


    We used the Veritas Press song and cards. It’s the one CC used to use. It was wonderful for my kids, and really sold me on how memorization can be a very useful, fun tool.

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