Caution: Pregnant, Nesting, FUSSY Homeschool Mom Ahead…

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  • LillyLou

    Alright Ya’ll 

    I’m not normally gripey, but here it goes!  I feel like an ungrateful Israelite who can’t even see her blessings right before her eyes!  All of this comes from me transitioning into second trimester- I get nesty.  And when I get nesty, I want to decorate and reorganize and clean, and, and, and…the cleaning part is free-so I can do that.  The decorating part…mmm…not so much.  I have all white walls and all brown furniture.  My uncle happens to be our landlord and has given me permission to paint “whatever you want”, he’s a jewel.  Problem: it’s 106 outside!  I can’t open up the windows without suffering heat stroke (okay, so I exaggerate…did I mention I’m fussy?!) and I can’t paint with them closed.  No painting today.  Dilema #2:  I’d love to cover my existing furniture cuz it’s comfy, just…hmmm…brown.  Problem: No suitable fabric.  ALSO we need to build a loft bed in our girls’ room so their brother, 18months, can move in with them well before baby’s born.  When do we build a loft bed?  How do we pay for the materials?  See?  Fussy.  Talk me down, ladies!  I HAVE a home.  It HAS furniture.  My children HAVE a bedroom!  But am I content? Noooooo.  Fussy, pregnant Israelite.  In the wilderness.  With blessings.  BLIND, BLIND, BLIND. 

    Someone tell me it’s hormones and to throw a bloomin’ quilt over the couch, count my blessings, and call ‘er good! 

    Thanks.  I think I will. 

    Luv ya’ll, you’re great. Wink



    Is there a pantry that needs cleaning to tide you over for a few days?  Laughing  We need to distract the pregnant brain thats taking over LOL.  I have company coming over this week…you could put your nesting to good use in my family/computer/class room.  I also have about 4 baskets of laundry that needs folding.  Throw something really ugly on your couch, so that when you pull it off, you are thankful your couch is brown….Am I helping at all here?


    Michele Barmore

    I really don’t have many ideas for you.

    But you did make me smile with your post.

    One thing that makes me feel better when I’m nesting — along with scrubbing everything— is to rearrange all the furniture that I can— and even switch around some things on the walls.


    Always helps– I feel like I’m in a new home.



    swtonscrappn: I definitely have a pantry (or 4) that could use a good one over.  I might even sic my girls on one of them!  Oh, and laundry.  Yes.  Mt.Washmore.  In my house.  I’m on it. *Blech* BUT, it needs to be done, and I’ll feel better when people aren’t asking me where their pants are.Undecided Good call.


    Mic. I do have some pictures we had to take down a while back to rearrange that never made it back up-excellent thought!  Thanks! Decluttering is my middle name.  I’m constantly tossing-I come from a looooong line of hopeless packrats and decided to break that curse when I got married, so I’m always pitching.  I’m just sure I’ve missed something somewhere though!  I think I’ll combine this assignment with swtonscrappn’s pantry assignment above. 

    Bless you both-OH, and I did put a quilt on the couch.  I helpedWink

    LillyLou (a little more rested, and a little less fussy-yay for naps!)

    YOU ARE AWESOME!!! SmileI am in the same boat right now! Due in Sept. totally nesting, SUPER HOT, nasty budget…all the joys! Regarding your loft bunk-bed, we also need to do the same thing. One thing my hubby pointed out was that I can have fun ‘planning ‘ it right now. The baby will be in the bassinett for at least 3 months, and I will want him/her in our room longer. He said we have time to build it, and even better it would be a great handicraft he and the other children can do together, while I rest with our newborn! He knows that if our other kids are doing something wonderful, then I am able to rest better; guilt free!! This helped put my mind at rest over that task. Planning it also helps to satisfy my nesting need!

     Big hugs super MAMA!! Hang in there!Smile

    Oh girl, it’s the heat in my opinion! It makes almost everyone in a bad mood it seems. Every year about this time I ask my hubby if we can please move to the coast during July and August? 🙂 The rest of the year is fine, but the heat right now is hard to take.

    If you must decorate, try some new colors on your furniture with pretty pillows and cozy throws/blankets. It is something new for less money rather than costly furniture coverings. Also, do you live near an Ikea? I know someone who bought a very cheap (but good quality) bunk/loft bed there.

    Just a couple of my thoughts. Enjoy your second trimester! 🙂


    funfamilyof7: Congratulations!  And thanks for the encouragement.  

    Regarding the loft bed, have you built one before?  We’re planning to use these plans, and make the loft a full size (my girls share a full now, and have no interest in splitting up-I think it’s precious) and then putting our son’s bed underneath (he currently sleeps in our room in his own bed, but we want him to get used to his “new room” well in advance of the new baby).  I’m also a planner-hard core- so I’ve enjoyed looking at pictures to try and decide how we’re gonna arrange things this time ’round.  It is fun!  Your husband sounds like ‘good people’, very wiseWink and I think you’re right-this will be a great handicrafts project!

    Blessings to you in these last few pregnant months-and please do share with us with your sweet baby makes his/her debut!

    BTW, funfamilyof7, mic, and swtonscrappn: I haven’t “met” you here before~ so “hi”!  And thanks for bearing with me today.  I kept thinking of Sonya and her habits training video when she describes “fortitude-bearing up under personal pain or discomfort”.  I was definitely “uncomfortable” in my surroundings today, but ya’ll have totally cheered me~ you’re the best!




    Have been thinking about you today as I attacked Mt.Foldmore. Funny you use that term too lol. I am a frequent climber of Mt.Dish more as well seeing we don’t have an electric dishwasher. But what I wanted to share was 1: dear girl, you should not be painting at all, not good for the two of you even if you could open up the side wall 🙂 …. And 2: when I get Isrealitis and want things, particularily home things, I find the best remedy is to give. I literally walk around my house with a box or bag and fill it with nice items and donate it to a local thrift store that supports the local mental health program or the hospital auxiliary. When I donate things I am reminded by the smiling faces of the volunteers and partakers of the programs of how richly blessed I am. my things help their lives just a smidgen. Never mind the fact that I can walk around the house and collect things I will probably not miss at all and do something better with them. Another thing we like to do is return bottles and cans and use the $ at the thrift store to buy fabric to make home stuff with or things we can repurpose DIY wise. Pick up an old framed ugly thing and make your own art with it using simple non- toxic paints, glue in strips of inspiring scripture or quotes while it’s wet, or photos printed on paper if you have a printer. like a goopy collage. Or pick up some eclectic old tea cups and dishes to make a funky picnic set out of that you don’t have to worry if it breaks, lol. Just a few thoughts, I am glad to see some of these previous posts have inspired you. Hope you have a fantastic day today!


    I laughed so hard when I read this because I understand completely!  I’m just entering the 2nd trimester of pregnancy 10/baby 7.  However nesting has not appeared.  Instead I’ve backtracked to extreme exhaustion, falling asleep if I sit down for long.  LOL.  It’s not very productive, that’s for sure.  You know things are bad when you wake up in the morning already tired.  I told my husband this baby must be in a growth spurt and I’m just going to have to wait it out.  Even climbing the stairs to get to Mt. Laundry seems exhausting!  Thankfully the children think it is great fun to throw the laundry down the stairs and gather it into baskets to haul to the washer for me.  Tongue out  Now if only they enjoyed hauling it back up the stairs when it’s clean….

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