Cathy Duffy review of SCM history

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  • This was posted on her site in October, I believe, but I just saw it today for the first time — Cathy Duffy reviewing the SCM history guides. Overall it’s favorable, with some voiced concerns for the older students.



    I think her review underestimates the value of narration. And Sonya, in writing this guide, cannot take every parent by the hand and lead them through every single method of narrating and exam-giving. The parent has to understand Charlotte’s methods and philosophy in order to implement these lessons at various levels but we all know that learning this way is profound.

    Yes, I totally agree, in the same way that just using a CM book list does not make a CM education.

    However, I also think her concern, just in general, bring to the surface a struggle that I faced when my older ones were high school age. Specifically, although their critical thinking and reasoning abilities had developed and their younger years were steeped in a CM education, *I* really did not have it within me to give them what they needed at that point to really thrive with CM in their last few years at home.

    The deep discussions that should’ve happened, the prompt feedback, the follow through (yes, working quite independently but still with a framework of accountability and return & report on what you’ve learned, etc)…I was so spent during those years between having babies, sleepless night, being the caregiver to an ill spouse and trying to keep the rest of life running smoothly (whatever that means)…I did what I could, but I know in my heart that I couldn’t/didn’t give them what they needed to continue to thrive with CM as they had in younger years.

    I don’t think that is a failing of a CM education, but I think that Cathy Duffy’s comments on potential negatives is a very real possibility if (despite good intentions) we do not continue to be a part of that “feast” we set before our students. If that makes sense….

    Sara B.

    I agree with Robin. I think she misses the point of a CM philosophy. Many (most?) teens raised on good living books all their lives plus narrations are going to find it a challenge, yes, but not too challenging. Especially taking those difficult books a chapter or 2 at a time per week. I would almost say it’s an unfair review since she doesn’t seem to understand the philosophy behind the books.

    I would agree, though, that the parent can’t quit discussions and oral narrations just because the student is reading independently. Also, we do have a responsibility to help correct written narrations, since those are the equivalent of the typical “essays” or “papers” in high school.

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