Catechism ideas? Not catholic…

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  • Jami Desemone

    Hi everyone! I am homeschooling a special needs 7 year old who is  nonverbal and non mobile. This fall I am going to start kind of a practice year for her younger brother who will be turning 6, just to get a feel for what it will look like, start some basics, by take it slow. We do a year round schedule, 6 weeks on 1 week off… and so far we have been reading 1 Psalm every morning for one whole term, the same Psalm. My now 5 and 3 year old have really benefited and have memorized most of them just by listening. I follow another homeschool blog where the family does like a catechism in the mornings, a call and repeat kind of thing. I was wondering if there is anything like this for non Catholics? I want my kids to have a clearly worded understanding of who God is, who Jesus is… and love the ide of catechism but just not in the same sense, not that it’s wrong, I just am looking for something more specific to our family. Does anyone have any ideas on where I could look for someththing like this? Doesn’t have to be elaborate, just a way for them to kind of have it in their mind as future questions arise, something they can pull up mentally as they begin to find their own way. I plan to continue doing scripture readings and prayers, just wanted to see if maybe I could add a short similar thing into our mornings. Thanks for any help!!


    We aren’t Catholic and we use a Catechism. We’ve been using Big Truths for Little kids. I love it because it is divided up into 36 chapters (1 for every week of the school year) and has a story for each chapter to explain what is being taught. It’s basically a jr. version of the Shorter Westminster Catechism. We aren’t Presbyterian, so I just change the wording a little bit on the ones that don’t reflect our tradition. For example, we don’t baptize babies, so when we get to the one that says, “Who should be baptized? Believers and their children,” I just say, “Believers” or “Believers, and in some churches their children.”

    But there is pretty much a catechism available for almost any Christian denomination.


    Teaching Hearts Training Minds: Family Devotions Based on the Shorter Catechism. You focus on one question/answer for the week with a short devotion to go along with it each day. Very short, like 5 minutes.


    We have used Leading Little Ones to God.

    You might like Uncle Rick’s Bible audio recordings from Character Concepts.  We play them at bedtime.  He reads through KJV and then explains it.


    Songs for Sapplings has a catechism set to music. That’s a great resource, too.

    If you lean Presbyterian, there are a LOT of resources available: Catechism for Small Children, Big Truths for Little Kids, The Westminster Shorter Catechism, Teaching Hearts, Training Minds (those are all based on the Westminster) and there is The Heidleberg Catechism and Comforting Hearts, Training Minds (a devotional based on the Heidleberg). If you are Baptist, there are still plenty of catechisms, but not as many resources aimed for children. There is a book called Teaching Truth, Training Hearts that is FULL of Baptist catechisms.

    There is a Lutheran Catechism and Wesley did an edited version of the Westminster if you lean more Wesleyan.


    Does your church have an official statement of faith? We memorized ours.

    Jami Desemone

    I love these ideas! Thanks for the resources!! I also love the idea of looking at our churches statement of faith. I may even be able to transform it into a question and answer format. Thanks everyone!!!


    Know the Truth is a free  pritntable Catechism written for Baptist families, but I think it would work well for most other denominations.

    Hi there. We have been using the New City Catechism with our very young kids. It’s a free app that you can download to your phone with 52 Q&A so one for each week of the year (although we’re going a bit slower!)

    The thing I like is that it has a children’s mode with a song that you can play for each question. Even my 18 month old gets excited for catechism and claps along to the songs!


    I agree with Little Women London.  New City Catechism is fantastic.  We love the fact that they put deep theology into beautiful, simple songs.  You can also play the hour and a half of calm songs (sung by children) free from YouTube.  My three year old and 5 year old love our devotion in the morning using this app.

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