Capitalization question for literary works like The Fisher and the Fish by Aesop

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics English & Grammar Capitalization question for literary works like The Fisher and the Fish by Aesop

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  • Regan

    We are working our way through Using Language Well.  This is our second year and we have come to Lesson 71 which is form The Fisher and the Fish by Aesop.  The words Fisher and Fish are capitalized throughout.  Can anyone tell me why this is?   Was it capitalized this way in the original work due to literary license or is there another reason?


    Sonya Shafer

    It was that way in the original from which I copied it, yes. If your student is curious why, you could explain that sometimes writers break the rules and add capitalization to emphasize certain words. In that case it is considered a unique style decision. You could show him a passage in Winnie-the-Pooh as an example.


    Thank you Sonya.  I looked it up online and found some instances where Fisher and Fish were capitalized and sometimes they weren’t or only one word was capitalized.  I assumed if you capitalized it that way, it was indeed written that way by the author.  Thanks so much!

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