can't find Math Mammoth in the bookfinder…

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education CM Organizer can't find Math Mammoth in the bookfinder…


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  • Gem

    I am entering resources and can’t get anything to come up in the bookfinder under math mammoth, Math Mammoth, or Maria Miller.  If these books aren’t in there, that is fine, I will enter it manually, but if I am just getting my keywords messed up – ugh!  It would save typing if it is already there!

    Any help, any one?

    I am specifically trying to enter the first grade – light blue book…


    I will be entering the third and fourth grade levels of the light blue book. I’m sure that they are in there, but not “share-able” yet.  Hope that share-button works soon! =)


    Me too!  Looking forward to using your resource entry for 3rd and 4th grade LOL.

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