I know both of these curriculums are definitely heavy on American content, but I am wondering if any Canadians have ever used them. We have a new homeschooling in our area using My Father’s World with her k and 2nd graders. She loves it and I get excited listening to her talk about them. I love the fact that they are planned out for you, because that’s something I really struggle with, but as a Canadian I’ve never considered using them because of the strong American focus. I’m wondering if anyone has successfully worked around this? My 12 and 8 year old boys are pretty much on even ground academically, so I’ve thought more than once about buying one boxed curriculum to use for both. Another I’ve looked at is Winter’s Promise. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance, anyone.
Well, first, I am an American. BUT – I have used both Winter Promise and MFW. I would say that how much American content there is depends on what year or course of study you are using.
We did ECC and CTG with My Father’s World and it didn’t seem ‘Americanized’ to me at all. We used Winter Promise last year for our study of the Middle Ages. Since most of the study was based in Europe, I did not see a lot of information about America there, either.
Basically, the programs are based on a repeating history cycle. When you get to the time period when Americans would typically study mostly American History (1550-1850) couldn’t you just switch that year to a study of North American exploration and Canadian History instead?
We preferred the format and most of the content of MFW to Winter Promise – though the literature choices with WP were better, IMHO. Hope that helps in some way!
Hi, I don’t usually post, but thought I would since I am Canadian.
I have done both MFW and HOD. Presently I am hoping to continue with MFW since it is easier to substitute Canadian for American. In the Grades 2 to 8 years, only the last two years (Exploration to 1850 and 1850 to Modern Times) would need to be switched. The other cycles are more world-oriented than American. I planned out the last year (1850 to Modern Times) and it went well. So now we are doing ECC. Hope that helps.
If I understand correctly with my boys I would start MFW with ECC. They will be going into 4th and 7th next year, but older ds is behind grade level in math and writing skills. With HOD I’ve been looking at The one recommended for age 9 to 11 as a possible fit for both of them. I’ve not been pushing my 8 year old much because he is a natural in most everything and I don’t want him passing his brother (though I think that day is coming sooner than later in many ways). I need something to challenge him to do his best, but my focus has been primarily on older ds. The worst is that we’ve been working on ancient Egypt this year and it’s already older ds 2nd time with that because he did it in 4th grade at ps.
What I understand from the MFW board, they recommend doing ECC first so that you get an understanding of where countries are and what cultures are like. But after that, you could skip the ancients year and do one of the later years since your older child has already done some ancient history.
Hmmm, I never really thought of skipping a year. For my youngest who would be going into 4th it seems lined up perfectly. My oldest starting 7th grade would maybe have only one other year before starting high school. BUT I do wonder if he’ll be ready for high school level work by grade 9. I was planning on holding off Apologia Science normally started in 7th until 8th and we’ve been working very slowly through ILL, expecting him to finish that up in 7th. Maybe I’m looking too far ahead? I also get myself a little confused when it comes to looking ahead to highschool as in our province it is only grades 10-12 (9 is still Jr. High)
I have no problem coming up with the big picture, but I have a really hard time breaking it all down into a day to day schedule and ensuring things like narrations, deadlines, etc. don’t get missed. (I can schedule a day/week fine, but exact assignments is another story. For the most part we just do the next thing in our books, but if I don’t have it all written down in front of me I’m lost. I have adult ADD and the only thing that keeps me on track is pre-made lists and routines. I can only get so far on my own, and I’m no good at planning all the little extra activities ahead of time. I’m not the most creative thinker. I really feel my boys would benefit from the pre-laid out plans and variety of ECC).
Thanks! That looks really interesting. I’ll try to have a good look at it tomorrow. I’m really leaning towards MFW ECC. I am wondering if the high school years could be done in a different order so that the student continues with the history cycle, or if they need to be done in order. Also, I wonder if some of the ECC books/resources are immature for grades 4 and 7 and not needed – like Wee Sing sounds a little too “wee”.
Just wanted to chime in on the immaturity thing. We used ECC with kids who were K-2nd. Depending on your kids’ maturity level, I do think it may be a bit young for you. But it would make a good base and you could add more advanced resources from there.
We greatly enjoyed the world culture perspective, but even at the K-2nd level we had to add to it to beef it up.
Thanks for your input ladies. I am not sure my ds would be ready for highschool level material in grade 8 — though there maybe a happy medium somewhere. We shall have to see what transpires in the next year or so. He may really step up his game next year as he continues to mature…He may be able to handle it if his writing improves dramatically in the next year and a half.
I’ve looked at most of the listed books on Amazon and see that I would have to do some “beefing up” of somethings for my older ds anyway, but most likely just in reading (not sure if he’s ready for the 7 & 8 extension pack though — I’d love some recommendations on that one. He can be pretty sensitive) and would still allow us to focus on Math and Writing/LA skills. I am also curious about how much time it will take most days. I am not teaching two curriculums (they are even in the same math book, though on different lessons, and we do a grade 5 grammar curriculum orally together) and I have no littles to complicate things. I will still need them to do as much as possible in the mornings on their own.
Thanks again for all the help with the Canadian History options! It certainly seems doable without scraping a whole years worth of work
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