Can you delete a previous Daily Note?

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  • Renelle


    I was wondering if or how you can delete or change a previous Daily Note , say from a week ago? Somehow I have duplicated the same note a few times and am not able to go back and delete.

    Thanks for your help




    I don’t think there is any way to modify a previous note at this time. Not one that I know of anyway.

    Sonya Shafer

    That’s right, there isn’t a way to edit the Daily Journal Notes right now. That’s part of the future feature wish to be able to edit past work. Renelle, if it’s crucial, please private message me or e-mail me and we’ll see if anything can be done behind the scenes.


    Thankyou Sonya, but it will be ok, when I print it out I’ll just cut them off. Can I just say while I’m here thankyou for the support on SCM. As I go along we plan to use more SCM suggested resources. I don’t use this word often but SCM and the teams support & wisdom has been ‘awesome‘ thanks again.



    I know this is old, but my question is along the same lines. So I can’t add notes after the day either? I tend to only do data input about once a week.

    Sonya Shafer

    That’s correct. Currently the Daily Note is available only daily. We do have it on our wish list to make a way to edit those notes and give more of a window of opportunity.

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