Can ya'll check out my schedule please?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education Schedules Can ya'll check out my schedule please?

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  • Rene

    I’ve uploaded it here:

    This will be our M-Th schedule, Friday will be different as that is the day we run errands.  Although I do have times listed, they are approximate and are mainly there for a guidline.  Due to our family routine, our girls stay up later, and sleep later, than most.  My 10 and 8 year old daughters are still learning to read, so they can do almost nothing independant.  …..Okay, typing this I just realized I did not put any copywork/penmanship for my younger two girls! Cry 

    I would appreciate any comments or tips.  Does this look okay?  I could have my 10 yr old do copywork instead of “play alone” at 2:30 but my 8 yr old still forms her letters wrong and I need to watch her write.

    Rene’ – from Texas. Smile

    Richele Baburina

    Hi Rene,

    I had fun looking at your schedule.  It looks really good and isn’t it just great that you can do as a family!

    We alternate copywork with brush painting if you are looking for a way of fitting it in.  In our home, copywork usually lasts only about five minutes here to encourage perfect execution and attention.  

    I hope you have a truly wonderful year!



    It looks great, and it physically looks great too!!!  I like how you alternate between individual and family work.  I would make sure you sit next to the girls as they work on writing….I let one of mine go without supervision and he ‘learned’ all sorts of bad habits which we are having to correct now.

    Have a fantastic year.



    Thank you both! 

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