Can we talk toilets? LOL


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  • Misty

    I know this is weird and tacky but I have a question. I have a septic tank and never have had a problem at other houses but this one is different as each tank is.

    It leaves this heavy build up on the tank where it goes into that smaller portion of the bowl. It’s like a orange/yellow color. We clean toilets every week and it still gets bad.

    I even resorted to getting Kaboom, a very toxic chemimal to clean it. It still took that, rubber gloves, a scrubby, and a sharp pointed knife to get it all off.

    Anyone have any suggestions for either A- something that I could put in for daily cleaning or B-Something that cleans well with a septic?

    Thanks so much for hearing my toilet issues Misty


    Meant to add I think it is some type of calcium (that’s what it reminds me of like plaque on teeth) deposit.


    We used to get a buildup like that. I used a pumice stone. I just made sure I kept it separate from the one I used on my feet 😀


    If it is likely Calcium (is your water “hard”?) – I’d try CLR

    Pumice stones and rubber gloves should do the trick to get the grime off. Scrub hard!

    Also, CLR works well as the other post already said.


    OHH I never thought of a pumic stone. That sounds like a great idea! I will have to get one for this purpose (and not my feet one!)

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