Can we study Apologia's Anatomy without the notebooking journal?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Science & Nature Study Can we study Apologia's Anatomy without the notebooking journal?

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    I have had the textbook and notebooking journal on my shelf for a while but we haven’t started because I’m just not that excited about using the journal. I can’t really put my finger on why I am reluctant – maybe I’m not used to the pre-planned format of the journal. Some of it looks a bit like busy work? (just my opinion of course) 

    Is it worthwhile using the textbook without the journal? If you skipped the journal, what did you do? 

    This would be for my older daughter, aged 12. 



    There are notebooking pages on Apologia’s “book extras” website in the front of your book.  We used those when we did it with my first.  The journals were not out back then.  I have since seen the journals and I agree with you, lots of busywork.  I will not buy them for my son, I don’t think they add that much to the study.  Maybe someone else thinks differently.  Living boooks with beautiful photographs are a great addition to the Apologia!


    I used it a few years ago. We just had the kids draw pictures of what we were learning and label them. Also, we had them take notes a little. I punched holes in their pages and put them in an Anatomy Binder. It was simple, and we didn’t always feel like we had to do it since we didn’t have the notebooking journal making us feel like we were wasting money if we didn’t. We all loved it, and the pages we did were fun and helped us remember.


    You can certainly do the course without the journal.  You can do written narrations and drawings if you want to keep a notebook.  There was at least one website I found with free printable activity pages for labeling the bones of the skeleton (for example); if you have the time and inclination, you can probably find some other similar great resources.  I did break down and buy the notebooking journal a few weeks into our school year, primarily to save me work and provide inspiration for my daughter.  Sometimes she’ll use the “fascinating facts” pages for written narration, although again, that’s easily done without the journal.  My children primarily use the journals for review after completing a lesson.  I’ll have them do the vocabulary crossword and then let them choose one or two other activities.  We’ve never used every page or activity in the journals; for me, it’s still worth it. 


    We did Zoo 2 last year without the extra journals.  There was a couple of notebook assignments at the end of each chapter…one for older DC and one for younger.  We used the free notebook pages on the “extras” page (you can find directions to get there in the book’s introduction) or just plain notebook paper.  It was a nice amount of notebooking without becoming overwhelming.  


    Thanks for the replies. I think I will just keep it simple 🙂 



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