Can someone help me with a CM quote?

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  • Tia

    There is a quote that reads something like, “An education not worthy of the name if it does not put the child in direct contact with books…” or something similar…I know that’s not right.  I have googled and googled and I cannot find it anywhere!!  I’m not sure which volume it’s in either…

    Can someone help me??


    sounds so familiar….

    Sonya Shafer

    Any of these sound familiar? Maybe the middle of the last one?

    “For this reason we owe it to every child to put him in communication with great minds that he may get at great thoughts; with the minds, that is, of those who have left us great works; and the only vital method of education appears to be that children should read worthy books, many worthy books” (Vol. 6, p. 12).

    “People sometimes write that the books set in our school constitute much of its usefulness; they do not always see that the choice of books, which implies the play of various able minds directly on the mind of the child, is a great part of that education which consists in the establishment of relations” (Vol. 3, p. 66).

    A corollary of the principle that education is the science of relations, is, that no education seems to be worth the name which has not made children at home in the world of books, and so related them, mind to mind, with thinkers who have dealt with knowledge. We reject epitomes, compilations, and their like, and put into children’s hands books which, long or short, are living” (Vol. 3, p. 226).


    A corollary of the principle that education is the science of relations, is, that no education seems to be worth the name which has not made children at home in the world of books, and so related them, mind to mind, with thinkers who have dealt with knowledge. We reject epitomes, compilations, and their like, and put into children’s hands books which, long or short, are living” (Vol. 3, p. 226).

    There it is!!!  I am creating a blog and wanted to use it.  I knew the gist of it in my head but just could not find it!  Thanks Sonya. 🙂

    I will say, that is one of the things that bothers me about reading on a Kindle.  If I had read the hard copy of the book, I would have marked it with a highlighter and found it easily.  I know I “highlighted” it on the Kindle, but I couldn’t find it when I went looking for it…

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