Can I post a SCM booklist by author?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Tech Support & Site Help Can I post a SCM booklist by author?

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  • Author
  • amama5

    Am I able to post a SCM booklist by author that I typed in Excel?  It has all the history module books, all literature books, and some science/various other subjects.  If so, how do I go about doing that?  Thanks!


    Yes, you can. Go to and create a free account. Then you can upload any files you wish. Once uploaded, click the share link for the code to paste in here on the forum. That’s it!

    You may want to convert the file to pdf first. I’ve had much better look with files others have shared and those I’ve shared when they are in pdf format.



    Doug Smith

    @amama5, How are you using your list by author? I’m curious how that is useful to you and if others would be interested.


    I made the booklist to prepare for quick searching at book sales that were coming up, and for looking at thrift stores.  For some reason it seemed more helpful for me to have the books organized by author rather than by title.  A lot of times, the author’s name is at the top of the spine, then the title in the middle of the spine.  It also helps when you are looking for several books by one author(Foster, Jean Fritz, D’Aulaire, etc).  I can jump to that author’s section and see which books I have and which ones I still need.  The list can also be reorganized by title or subject later if I need to but so far it’s working for me.  Hope that helps! 


    I can see how that would be so helpful!  I’d love to see your list!Laughing

    I’m still amazed at how clever….and organized…homeschool moms are!  (I’m still working on that part!)


    Here is my master list in xls, sortable however you choose – – if that’s helpful. This is all of the AO, HIFI & Honey for a Child’s Heart books. I’m doing the SCM ones separately by module. 




    I usually have better luck finding a book (library, online or at a used book store) if I know the author.  One online retailer always has the items listedn (if they actually carry the item/book) when I type in the author but not always when I type in the title, go figure.  I have figured out that if I really think they may have the book but it’s not coming up by the title if I type in the author it miraculously pops up:)

    Plus, I have brought home several books from the library that were not the book listed but didn’t realize until we begin to read that it’s from a different author and that’s what makes it the “wrong” book:)

    Oh, and another thing….I have found that only some books are recommended by a particular author but then I see some of their other books and wonder if they are just as good, recommended, etc.  I usually come back to this site and search for the book only to find it or not find it and usually wish I had seen it ahead of time.

    I guess what I am saying is that I rely heavily on searching for books by author just as much as title, if not more.

    But, I suppose in the Bookfinder you do have Author listed as a way to search so that should be sufficient, right??


    Absolutely fabulous!!! For some reason I remember author’s names better than book titles so this will be invaluable to me!!  This will also speed things up with ordering books too.  I, too, have found that books at the library don’t always come up by the title name. 


    I previously posted the SCM modules that I’ve already completed in pdf form, but if there’s interest, I can export to xls and upload them that way, too. You can either pm me or let me know here and I’ll try to get to it this week.



    As missceegee told me I might, I’m having problems uploading the excel file to box net.  They are looking into why it comes up as a bar graph:)  In the meantime I would be happy to email the excel file to anyone interested.  Please also let me know if you see any mistakes, the list was made in the wee hours of the mornings:)  Thanks, Adrienne

    Doug Smith

    Thinking out loud… We already have tags in the CM Bookfinder for all SCM curriculum guide resources together, by subject, and by year. So if we added an option to sort by author instead of only by title, it might be useful and save some work. You could list the resources in any of those tags in author order and it would automatically get updated as we change or add resources. Of course, it would also work for any other resources in a search or tag.

    What do you all think? Would it be worth doing?


    Yes, Doug, that would be terrific!




    Yes, please! Smile

    Rachel White

    Yes, I concur with everyone!Laughing


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