Can I do the History Series out of order?

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  • janessa_a

    I know it is up to me, of course, but will it be too confusing? We did the first, Genesis through Deuteronomy and Ancient Egypt and I would really like to study American geography and history sooner than going through all the others.



    Several years ago we did the Ancients and took quite a bit of time going through them, especially the Egyptians. Once we were finished I asked my dc what they wanted to study next. They said, “As far away from the Ancients as possible.” Ha!  So, we went into Early Modern Times and so on. I was glad we did as there are so many good books for that time period and beyond that we might have missed.

    Just be sure to use a Book of Centuries or something similar and enjoy this time with you’re children.


    We studied Matthew thru Acts series last year, used the books recommended, my daughter really enjoyed the reading material. This year I decided to do the Middle Ages, I also enjoy jumping around and getting a different look at a different period of time in history. Do what you enjoy and keep the kids interested and also doing something they enjoy. My daughter does not like to read, so we share this and I do allot more of the reading then she does, this works for our family, I know she can read, it just isn’t one of her favorite things to do.

    We also keep a Book of the Centuries, which I think will be amazing when it is filled.

    God Bless,




    We did the same thing, started with Gen-Deut. and Ancient Egypt.  My daughter really enjoyed it.  But this year we’re doing Early Modern times because when I asked her what she wanted to learn about, she said native Americans (we have read the Little House books and she has re-read them over and over, so I think that was the inspiration).  We’re also starting a family book of centuries so we can look over it and see where everything fits in.  I like doing history chronologically, but I think even looking at chunks of it chronologically, children (and adults) are still smart enough to see how the pieces start fitting together.


    Thanks you all. I will probably do this then!

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